Festivus Pole to Again Be Erected in Florida Capitol Rotunda

Chaz Stevens
Last year, Deerfield Beach activist, blogger, and self-proclaimed "militant atheist" Chaz Stevens made headlines when he put up a Festivus pole in the Florida Capitol rotunda.

Now Florida officials have approved Stevens' request to put up the pole in the rotunda again this year.

Last year's pole -- which was an eight-foot-tall pole made of Pabst Plue Ribbon beer cans -- was inspired by Tallahassee officials allowing Christian groups to put up Nativity scenes and other holiday displays.

See also: Atheist's Festivus Pole in Florida Capitol: It's Up! (PHOTO)

The news comes several days after Florida officials gave the Satanic Temple the go-ahead to put up a holiday display of its own, which will go in the rotunda next to a Nativity scene and Stevens' Festivus pole.

Stevens was notified via email that he can put up his pole as early as December 15.

Last year's Festivus pole garnered heavy media attention, including a mention on the Colbert Report.

The pole also got attention from Fox News' morning show, Fox & Friends.

"Why do I have to drive around with my kids to look for Nativity scenes and be like, 'Oh yeah, kids, look there's the baby Jesus behind the Festivus pole, behind the beer cans," host Gretchen Carlson said at the time. "It's nuts!"

Stevens was able to turn the 15 minutes of fame and poking fun of the establishment by raising money for charity with his Festivus pole. He used last year's pole for Women in Distress, donating the proceeds he made after selling the pole to an anonymous buyer on eBay for $455.

For this year's festivities, Stevens sent a personal invitation to Rick Scott via email, asking the governor to come see the display and take a selfie with Stevens and the pole and offering to build a separate pole for Scott's office:

Hey Mr. Governor;

Thought since I'd be up in your neck of the woods, erecting my Festivus pole in the Rotunda, perhaps you'd drop down, say hello, and shoot a selfie with me.

Or heck, even better, let my team build your very own Festivus Pole, and we'll erect it in your office.

You'd be the only Governor in all of America to have one --- imagine the bragging rights!

Have your people call my people! We'll air some grievances and perform a few feats of strength.

Stevens has yet to receive a reply.

The Festivus pole will stand in the rotunda through December 22.

Send your story tips to the author, Chris Joseph.

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commenter8 topcommenter

Or maybe Governor Scott could just sit on the erected Festivus pole while Chaz takes pictures. Then Chaz could post the pictures on his website, appropriately decorated in the classic Chaz Stevens style! Better yet, Chaz could take a video of the gubernatorial pole-sitting while the playing of the classic Frank Zappa tune "Broken Hearts Are For Assholes" gives Governor Scott exactly the right message!

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