Slutty McSlut of Slut Town

August 1, 2013 - 2:05 pm 9 Comments

weinerIf you’re anything like me, not a day goes by when you don’t wonder what’s going on in that Wacky and Wonderful World of Weiner. (You may say you’re nothing like me but don’t kid yourself. We’re more alike than you think. Loser.) Earlier this week a former Weiner intern wrote about her experience working on the mayoral campaign in the NY Daily News. Needless to say it was rather negative. I mean, who interns anymore? What a thankless job. What were her responsibilities? Photoshopping her boss’s junk?

After intern Olivia Nuzzi’s article was published Weiner’s campaign went into full-on smear mode. Communications director Barbara Morgan told TPM that Nuzzi was a fame hungry “bitch” who “sucked” at her job and went on to call her a “slutbag,” “twat,” and “cunt.” Now that’s brutal. Saying someone “sucked” at their job? I guess Olivia won’t be asking Babs for a letter of reference anytime soon. And I’ve never understood the term “slutbag.” Is that like another version of “douchebag” or does it literally mean “bag of sluts”? (The new “binders of women.”) As for the T-word and the C-word, gross.

“I’m dealing with like stupid fucking interns who make it on to the cover of the Daily News even though they signed NDAs and/or they proceeded to trash me,” Morgan said. That’s a little better. I’d totally rather be called “stupid” than “slutbag.”

Some other choice quotes that, if you were to write a book about Morgan, would make for some awesome chapter titles.

Intro: “Fucking slutbag.”
Chapter 1: “See if you ever get a job in this town again.”
Chapter 2: “It’s all bullshit.”
Chapter 3: “She sucked.”
Chapter 4: “Fuck you, you little cunt.”
Chapter 5: “Fucking — fucking twat.”

[Followed by questions for book club discussion.]

The mouth on this girl! Is that how she got the job? OMG! However Morgan did end up issuing what passes these days for an apology: “In a moment of frustration, I used inappropriate language in what I thought was an off the record conversation. It was wrong and I am very sorry.”

Seriously? This woman is the communications director? Here’s how true professionals would have handled it. “Everyone at the Weiner campaign, including the candidate, appreciates the fine work performed by our hardworking team of interns and although we are disappointed that Ms. Nuzzi didn’t come to us directly with her concerns, we wish her all the best in her future endeavors.”

That little whore-sack.

9 Responses to “Slutty McSlut of Slut Town”

  1. Harold Says:

    I actually saw her as more of a slattern-box or a trollop-satchel than anything else.

    eileen Reply:

    Trollop-satchel. Favorite.

  2. Ms. J Says:

    I am a New Yorker and a registered Democrat, so this is my mayoral primary that is getting ripped to shreds by the sleazy high-school-level muppetry of the Weiner campaign every day. Your post had me laughing out loud. Nice work, Eileen!

  3. Ouch! Says:

    Out here in San Diego we have Filthy Filner the current Mayor of San Diego and long time Congressman. Filner is oh so more creepy than Weiner.

    Filner is such a sick Masher, he grabbed on woman and pulled her in near for a kiss and missed leaving drool to drip off her chin. SICK

    eileen Reply:

    Oh now that’s just disgusting.

  4. LegeBoy Says:

    “…he grabbed on woman and pulled her in near for a kiss and missed leaving drool to drip off her chin.”

    Aw, maaan. We sure miss the Legislature.

  5. willis Says:

    Tony stays in the race only to avoid the headline; “Weiner pulls out early”……just sayin

    eileen Reply:

    I actually think he’d prefer that.

  6. Oops! I said it again Says:

    Best campaign button ever: I Want A Weiner for Mayor.
    Best endorsement #tag: Women Who Want A Weiner for Mayor