Think Pink

January 15, 2014 - 1:28 pm 29 Comments

I swear I have a good excuse.

On Saturday my husband and I brought home our new baby girl, Crosby Hope. We’d been waiting to adopt a baby for a long, long time so we are crazy happy and beyond grateful. Now I will immediately begin blogging about EVERY SINGLE THING she does. Hey look! She’s peeing on herself! OMG! She’s peeing on me! LOL!

Naturally I’ve decided to raise her in a healthy open environment devoid of tired gender stereotypes, which is why we painted the nursery soft pink, bought all pink onesies, got her pink bedding, and dyed our pug pink just for her homecoming. Of course my actions took me by surprise, kind of like when we were planning our wedding and I was all, whatever, I didn’t spend my childhood dreaming about the perfect wedding but the minute I put my dress on, I was like I’M THE PRETTIEST BRIDE IN THE WHOLE WORLD TAKE MY PICTURE.

I suppose one never knows how one will act in life-changing experiences such as these. Or maybe my self-contradictory attitude indicates more serious trouble ahead and I’ll become just another mommy blogger who drinks rosé in the early afternoon while ignoring her precious baby so she can broadcast mundane everyday baby things she mistakenly thinks are hysterical to her rapidly dwindling amount of Facebook friends. Like, for example, look at my dog looking at my baby in a Moses basket! Have you ever seen anything so precious?! And I’m drunk!


In reality I doubt I could ever turn In the Pink into one of those lucrative mommy blogs with the daily Boudreaux’s Butt Paste giveaways (“kicking rash and taking names!”) because politics will always be my first baby. I imagine I’ll be posting late at night, somewhat sporadically, which I’ve been doing anyway over the past year or so due to a real live job and advice from my team of therapists. I’ve already started reading her the New York Times headlines every morning and she seems very interested or else she’s passing gas. We already have a way of communicating about the news like when I told her to spit up on me if she thought Chris Christie was ultimately responsible for Bridgegate. (She did. My “Governing Cover Girl” hoodie will never be the same.)

But the real moment of truth came when I asked her to use her pacifier to tap out the name of the first woman president in Morse Code and, wouldn’t you know it, she spelled out Hillary.

That’s my girl.

29 Responses to “Think Pink”

  1. LegeBoy Says:

    !!!!!! OMG !!!!! A Pink Baby! How exciting. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So happy for y’all!

  2. LegeBoy Says:

    Pink Babies 4 Hillary.

    eileen Reply:

    Love it.

  3. Big Sis Says:

    I’ll get her a website and laptop for her Christening.

    eileen Reply:

    Please. Like I need the competition.

  4. Bodhisattva Says:

    Congrats on the addition to your family! I hope you start setting aside money now for the therapy she’ll need after growing up in a blogger household (Content, Crosby! I need CONTENT!).

    eileen Reply:

    She has no idea that I’m a blogger and I intend to keep it that way.

  5. Shotgun Says:

    Congratulations Eileen & Mr. Pink Lady. I and my siblings have a total of six children brought into our families, in addition to our birth children. We make no distinction between them. They are our children and our nieces and nephews.

  6. Huaco treehugger Says:

    After you confess to blogging (right before she goes to college) you can also confess to drinking copious quantities of wine during her gestation.

    Congratulations. Wow, even the mafia seems to come with diapers these days.

  7. A Fan Says:

    What a cutie! Luckiest kid in the world!

    I have enjoyed your blog for years, and this news has left me fairly verklempt! (I suspect I’m not alone.) Plain and simple: It’s just so cool when nice things happen to good people.

    Thanks for sharing the news with your fandom. All the best in 2014!

  8. Fled Says:

    Congrats and good luck to all 3 of you. The dog, I assume, doesn’t need luck.

  9. Don't Mess w/ Pink Says:

    Henry’s like “Look, kid You’re cute and all. But I’m the boss around here.” Then she smiles/passes gas, and he’s hooked. /Best wishes, you. Be there soon to supervise!

  10. Don't Mess w/ Pink Says:

    And, really, rose? (Sorry, don’t know how to do the fancy accent thing.) We’d have to kill you, and Crosby really shouldn’t grow up without you. Stick to pinot.

  11. West Texas Hillbilly Says:

    Awesome news. All the best y’all. A true fan would have named her Hillary Chelsea…

    BTW, saw Chelsea out here a while ago. Tried to wink at her for you but just got pistol whipped for my effort. Thanks.

  12. Tabbycat77 Says:

    Congratulations! I have been following you from Florida for years – love the Blog! I know you’ve heard this before but your life will NEVER be the same.

  13. lush Says:

    Hip, hip, hooray for Miss Crosby Hope Kennedy Smith!

  14. lurking in the shadows Says:

    I’ve lurked in the shadows reading your blog for years commenting only once. I’ve been lucky enough to meet you once at Olive & June (you didn’t seem to be drinking in excess at the time). At that time – from my point of view – you didn’t seem aghast at any excessive creepiness I may have been emitting during our chance encounter. A testament to your chic and grace. That baby is lucky to have such a witty, sarcastic, funny, mean (in just the right way), charming, intelligent, beautiful (once you get past the “knee thing”) mother. All my best to the four (?) of you in your now new lives.

  15. willis Says:

    Congrats, really! Glad to see you add children to the family. After all, there’s no reason you should be any happier than the rest of us :-)

  16. lechap Says:


  17. EFD Says:

    Congatulations! Best wishes to the Pink Family!

  18. wyocwby Says:

    OMG Congratulations, Pink Lady! She’s so beautiful!!! Enjoy them when they’re young, next thing you know she’ll turn 16, be driving, and volunteering at GOP headquarters in teenage rebellion :)

    Wish you all the best! Thanks for all the fun you share here on inthepink

  19. lush Says:

    When are you going to start drunk mommyblogging again? I keep hitting refresh on my browser.

  20. Huaco treehugger Says:

    Ahem. Yeah, you’re busy. We know. But you’re wasting perfectly good FMLA time taking care of an infant when you could be blogging. Wendy, State of the Union, Perry approving Pot, so many topics and no Pink Mommy.

    wyocwby Reply:

    Perry approved pot?!?! I must have been drinking rubbing alcohol again if I missed that

    Huaco treehugger Reply:

    Well, medical marijuana at least. Don’t tell Rick its pot.

  21. Don't Mess w/ Pink Says:

    Yeah, we get that being a new mom is stressful and all. But instead of taking a shower, couldn’t you post something? Not that we miss you or anything. OK WE MISS YOU.

    Tabbycat77 Reply:

    Yes we do!!!!

  22. Sybil Says:

    I think we’ve been most patient, waited a respectful amount of time, giving the new parents time to bond and adjust to their changed circumstance.


  23. eileen Says:

    Good Lord. I forgot this thing was still around.