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Obama pushes for Burke in Milwaukee as Walker campaigns in Wausau

President Obama greets a crowd with Mary Burke  Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at North Division High School in Milwaukee, Wis.  The president travelled to Milwaukee for Mary Burke, the Democrat and former Trek Bicycle Corp. executive running against Republican Gov. Scott Walker.

Mark Hoffman

President Obama greets a crowd with Mary Burke Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at North Division High School in Milwaukee, Wis. The president travelled to Milwaukee for Mary Burke, the Democrat and former Trek Bicycle Corp. executive running against Republican Gov. Scott Walker.

The tight and dramatic Wisconsin governor's race entered its final week Tuesday as President Barack Obama came to Milwaukee to give an impassioned endorsement for Democrat Mary Burke while Republican Gov. Scott Walker took his campaign on the road to Wausau in search of critical votes outstate.

In a nighttime rally in front of thousands at North Division High School, Obama emphasized Burke's support for raising the minimum wage from $7.25 an hour.

"Mary Burke doesn't believe that the minimum wage 'serves no purpose,' as one Republican said," Obama said, referring to comments Walker made to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. The president never once mentioned the governor's name.

"Wisconsin lags the rest of the country when it comes to job growth," Obama said. "So the country as a whole is doing better; Wisconsin is not doing so good. Over the next week, you have the chance to change that. You have a chance to choose a governor who doesn't put political ideology first, who's not thinking partisan first."

A crowd estimated at more than 3,500 attended the event, with some 300 placed in the cafeteria, which Obama and Burke visited before the main speeches.

"I know with your support I will be the next governor," Burke told the cheering audience in the gym.

Walker issues caution

Meanwhile, Walker in a stop in central Wisconsin, said voters should be wary of the help Democrats from Washington, D.C., are providing his opponent.

The president is the fourth top surrogate to hit the state for Burke. Former President Bill Clinton was here last week, first lady Michelle Obama made two visits, and U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) also put in an appearance with Burke.

"I think it reflects the fact that she's the candidate of Washington. We're not bringing Washington surrogates in," Walker told reporters after speaking to workers and supporters from the shop floor of Major Industries in Wausau.

He tied the visits to the support Burke has receivedfrom national union leaders. Unions targeted Walker because of the 2011 law he pushed that sharply limited collective bargaining for public workers.

"I think that should be a warning to people across the state that if they get their way, they're going to expect something in return for all that support," he said. "And I think that's going to be higher taxes and more spending.

"It's pretty clear they don't like the fact that we took their power away and put it in the hands of the hardworking taxpayers."

Walker will return to Wausau on Friday with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, the chairman of the Republican Governors Association and — like Walker — a potential 2016 candidate for president. Walker said he was campaigning with Christie because Christie had asked to join him and "he's fun to campaign with."

Democratic strategists are counting on heavy turnouts in Milwaukee and Madison to counter Walker's strength in Milwaukee's suburban counties and other parts of the state.

Walker played off that point in his stop at Major Industries, which manufactures skylights and curtain walls and employs 53 people.

"I'm not ignoring any part of the state of Wisconsin," Walker told reporters. "I'm here enough that you're probably sick of me here in north-central Wisconsin. ...The Washington surrogates are telling my opponent's campaign they should be focusing only on a couple areas of the state, and I think that's where they think there's the remaining votes. Why they're doing that, I don't know. I just know we're not conceding any area of the state."

Walker said he expected the election to be very close but that he would ultimately win. An investigation into whether his campaign illegally worked with political groups made his re-election bid somewhat more difficult, but only because his opponents have mischaracterized it, he said.

"Just the fact they can insinuate things without having to be accurate has an impact, just in the same way that other attacks on us that are inaccurate have an impact," he said. "If you've got people willing to run ads that are false, no matter what the issue is, that's going to be a challenge in a campaign."

Funds and accolades

Obama arrived in Milwaukee in the late afternoon and attended a $16,000-a-plate fundraiser at Umami Moto restaurant. The event benefited the Democratic National Committee.

For Martha Love, who has been a Democratic National Committee member from Milwaukee since the late 1980s, Obama's appearance at North Division High School was historic.

Love said, "We've had presidents and other dignitaries come to the city of Milwaukee to encourage us to get out and vote. But this event, being held at North Division High School, it is legacy, historical, it is tearful. The elders are happy. Ancestors are happy. This is wonderful. Having the president here at North Division High School. Having an African-American president here at North Division High School, you really cannot put into words. It is a feeling that is just deep in your soul."

Among those who warmed up the crowd was U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore, a North Division alumnus.

Obama urged everyone to go to the polls and reminded them that voters can cast ballots even without a photo ID.

"If you just sit home and complain, of course, nothing is going to change," Obama added.

In the middle of the speech, Obama stopped momentarily as a heckler in the crowd shouted at the stage.

"The young lady is expressing her concern about immigration and the fact that we don't have a comprehensive immigration bill," Obama said. "The problem is she should be protesting the Republicans who are blocking it in Congress. That's what she should be doing."

The heckler, Leilani Lopez, of Milwaukee, said she was a Democrat who voted for Obama.

"I love my president," she said. "I have every right to criticize him."

Others were there to cheer the president. Kenneth Jones, 22, got to shake the president's hand, something he excitedly replayed in a shaky cellphone video.

He said both Burke's and Obama's speeches resonated for him, because he too believed in investing in education and empowering women with equal pay.

"Education, that's the thing that's going to give people more options and opportunity," he said, adding that he had just finished his associate degree.

Jones attended the event with his mother, Dorothy Malone, 56, who said, "It's really wonderful for the president to come here and give us some hope."

Patrick Marley reported for this story from Wausau and Bill Glauber, Don Walker, Craig Gilbert and Erin Richards from Milwaukee.

© 2014, Journal Sentinel Inc. All rights reserved.

About Bill Glauber
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Bill Glauber is a general assignment reporter, focusing on profiles and politics.

About Patrick Marley
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Patrick Marley covers state government and state politics. He is the author, with Journal Sentinel reporter Jason Stein, of "More Than They Bargained For: Scott Walker, Unions and the Fight for Wisconsin.”

About Don Walker

Don Walker covers Milwaukee's City Hall and the business of sports.

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