For Walker, 2014 race may decide 2016 future

Gov. Scott Walker mingles with veterans after giving a speech in Milwaukee on Sept. 24.

Among the class of Republican presidential hopefuls, the Wisconsin governor is the only one who faces a critical test on Nov. 4, and he’s far more worried than he was in previous contests.

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Campaign 2014: NRSC 'Matters'

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Tunisia’s economic status quo

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Campaign 2014: Joni Ernst 'Lot'

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Federal retirees to get 1.7% cost-of-living adjustment

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Campaign 2014: Mark Warner 'Exactly'

Campaign 2014: Mark Warner 'Exactly'

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Campaign 2014: Bobby McKenzie 'One Story'

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Minority representation gaps, by the numbers

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Election 2014: Congressional hopefuls on federal workers

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Controversy over Ebola czar has a familiar ring

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7 things you didn’t read today (but should have)

Super PACs, super PACs and 2016.