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Health Insurance & Medicare

Get the Facts on Insurance

Insurance not only protects us from catastrophic expenses, it also secures access to important routine, preventive, and primary care services. Buying the right insurance for you and your family is an important decision.

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Latest Headlines
Health Reform: What’s Coming in 2013
With President Obama in office for another four years, the health reform law will continue down the road to take full effect in 2014. But there is much work yet to be done, and 2013 promises to be a very active year.

What Does Medicare Cover?

If you're new to Medicare, you may find the program confusing. Getting a grip on the different deadlines, parts, co-pays, deductibles, and other odds and ends may seem next to impossible. WebMD is here to help you understand the basics of Medicare.

Most people age 65 or older count on Medicare for their health care coverage. Some people under 65 who have a disability, Lou Gehrig's disease, or advanced kidney failure are also entitled to it. 

Today in Health Insurance

Slideshow Health Care
What Does Medicare Cover
High Tech Hospital
Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plans

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