Glassdoor API Documentation | Glassdoor

API Overview

The Glassdoor API is a simple, lightweight REST API that responds to http requests with JSON (future support for XML is planned). Because it is a REST API, it is completely stateless. Requests are expected to be made in the form of a simple HTTP GET.

The APIs that are not provided publicly are available to our API partners. If you're interested in becoming an API partner, please contact us.


You must use the following attribution when displaying Glassdoor's API results. Copy the code below and paste it near the results on your web page:

powered by

Request Structure

All Glassdoor API requests share some common parameters, and a typical call will look like this:

The common required parameters here are:

vThe API version. The current version is 1 except for jobs, which is currently version 1.1Yes
formatEither xml or json as you preferYes
t.pYour partner id, as assigned by GlassdoorYes
t.kYour partner key, as assigned by GlassdoorYes
useripThe IP address of the end user to whom the API results will be shownYes
useragentThe User-Agent (browser) of the end user to whom the API results will be shown. Note that you can can obtain this from the "User-Agent" HTTP request header from the end-userYes
callbackIf json is the requested format, you may specify a jsonp callback here, allowing you to make cross-domain calls to the glassdoor API from your client-side javascript. See the JSONP wikipedia entry for more information on jsonp.No
actionThe particular API call that you would like to make - see jobs, reviews, salaries, etc. sub-sections for detailsYes
otherEach API action will require different parameters - in the example above, an employerId is passed in order to retrieve reviews.Varies

Response Structure

All requests will return at least status information, and a typical json response will look like this:

    "success": true,
    "status": "OK",
    "response": {

Response Codes

You can always count on a high level success flag which will be either true or false, and status which will typically indicate additional information. If the call is successful, there will be a 'response' block. Common statuses are:

  1. OK: request succeeded
  2. Access-Denied: your partner id/key are not correct, or not specified. Check the t.p and t.k params in your request
  3. Call-specific errors: for example on employer retrieval, it can return Employer-Not-Found