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Our Commitment

HSC is committed to maintaining an environment where open, honest communication is the expectation, and not the exception. HSC expects all who study, work or visit our campus to be empowered to voice their concerns-Our Values In Action.

EthicsPoint serves as a third-party reporting line so that you may ask questions or report any potential misconduct confidentially and anonymously. Please note, EthicsPoint operates its own secure server and is not part of the HSC website. See the EthicsPoint FAQs for more information.

Once a report is filed, you will create your own private password and a Report Key will be assigned by EthicsPoint that can be used to obtain the status of your report. PLEASE KEEP YOUR REPORT KEY IN A SAFE PLACE; neither EthicsPoint or the Office of Institutional Compliance and Integrity have knowledge of this information. If you lose your Report Key you will need to resubmit your concern.

Your input is highly valuable and you have our guarantee that your concerns will be heard.

While we encourage you to utilize the TrustLine, you are always welcomed to contact the Compliance & Integrity team directly.

Phone: 817-735-2029
Fax: 817-735-0721
Visit us: EAD 834