LGBT Faculty Network

The LGBT Faculty Network group is a UNT-supported group that provides a welcoming environment for LGBT Faculty and allies to meet and share their experience with supportive members to promote faculty success by fostering peer-to-peer and group mentoring of faculty of all ranks.  In addition to informal discussion and social gathering meetings, the group also invites speakers and organizes focus-groups and retreats to promote the success of LGBT faculty members and allies. The overarching goal of the LGBT Faculty Network is to “counteract the remnants of prejudice and discrimination of those who do not conform to mainstream sexual and gender identities…” so that LGBT faculty members and allies can achieve their potentials by tapping into their uniqueness to contribute to the mission of UNT in their research, teaching and service to the community in art and science, and in humanity.  

For more information please contact Dr. Nicoladie Tam or email the LGBT Faculty Network at

Dr. Nicoladie (Nikki) Tam, PhD

Associate Professor

Dept. of Biological Sciences