In the spring of 2021, the Office for Faculty Success will administer The Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey, requesting responses from more than 1,100 full-time faulty members – lecturers, clinical, and tenured and tenure-track – in every college. We hope to receive an excellent response rate and encourage your participation

COACHE Steering Committee Speaks Out

The COACHE survey is a powerful tool for faculty and academic leaders at UNT to gain insight into the quality of work/life/career experiences for our faculty. Respondents are asked specific questions about a number of key determinants, including:

  1. the clarity and reasonableness of the tenure process;
  2. integration and balance of work/personal responsibilities;
  3. workload and support for teaching and research; climate, culture and collegiality on campus;
  4. global satisfaction and compensation and benefits.

Insights gained from COACHE allow us to measure progress towards our university goal of being a best place to work. With thousands of faculty members participating in the survey nationwide, UNT is able to gauge its faculty members’ satisfaction in the context of data from peer institutions to highlight areas of both strength and need for improvement. The survey results shed light on actionable issues facing faculty, which informs both policy and programming to improve quality of life for faculty at UNT as we strive to be a best place to work.

NEW in 2021

The COACHE survey is a longitudinal study that allows comparisons across prior surveys. New this year, is the inclusion of questions related to the Authenticity of Departmental Decision-Making Process. These questions ask about authenticity, structural integrity and equity in departmental processes. This is a first at UNT.

Next Steps – After the Survey

As the COACHE survey is designed to generate not simply “interesting” data, but actionable diagnoses, we will be organizing to take action on the results. We expect to receive our survey results in the Summer of 2021. Following that, steps will be taken to interpret the data and use it to inform recommendations.

Results will be disseminated to Faculty Senate, Department Chairs, Deans, and other Academic Leaders, as part of an active effort to engage our leadership in discussions about how we can work together to improve the work environment for our faculty. Implementation efforts will also be undertaken. Please refer to the Faculty Success website for results of previous COACHE surveys.