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Finalizing Your Hire

Before Offer is Extended to Candidate

If the salary for the candidate will be over the budgeted amount, an ePAR must be created and approved.
Change the candidate’s application status to Recommended for Hire status. Important:  No offer can be extended until all the candidates who are not finalists have been dispositioned in the system.  The Recruiting Assistant will notify to proceed with the verbal offer.  The employment offer is contingent upon successful completion of all pre- employment requirements, including a criminal history check and at UNTHSC, a drug test.

After Candidate Accepts Verbal Offer

If the verbal offer is accepted, change the selected candidate’s status in the People Admin applicant tracking system to “TA Generates Offer Letter”. An offer letter will be prepared by a Recruiting Assistant and routed to the hiring manager for signature.

  • The Recruiting Assistant will email the prepared offer letter to the candidate for signature along with authorization forms for the pre-employment drug test (if applicable) and criminal history checks.
  • Criminal history check results are typically received within five (5) business days of the date initiated and the outcome communicated to the hiring manager.
  • When all pre-employment verifications have cleared, the employee ID and EUID are created by the Recruiting Assistant and the new hire is registered for Onboarding.
  • An onboarding invitation email is sent to the new hire and once that has been completed, the ePAR can be initiated.  
  • When the newly hired employee begins work, please note that Section II of the federally required Form I-9 must be completed on the first day of employment before an ePAR can be submitted.

Onboarding Checklists

Onboarding checklists are available to assist managers and employees complete required record-keeping steps to join a department team.

Note that a new employee must complete Section 1 of Form I-9 on or before first day of work.  All new employees must provide appropriate documentation to verify identity and employment eligibility. Section 2 of Form I-9 must be completed by the department and the employee E-Verified within three (3) business days of hire date.
Hiring managers should submit an ePAR within the first few days of the new hire’s employment to ensure enrollment and inclusion for Payroll and Benefits choices.

Retention of Documents

Certified online applications become part of Texas State Public Records. Per Texas Records Retention, all records (resumes, interview notes, etc.) need to be retained for a minimum of two years. Please collect all documents related to your search and file in a secure place for two years. Texas State Records Retention Schedule, 3.1.014).