Inclusion, Equity, and Community Building Series

Summer 2021 Cohort

The fifth cohort of Inclusion, Equity, and Community Building will continue live on Zoom and will kick off in June 2021! This five module series will provide faculty, staff, and administrators an opportunity to comprehensively explore community building, cultural humility, bias awareness and identity development, microaggressions and inclusive language, anti-racism, privilege and allyship, and change leadership and apply these concepts to their policies, programs, practices, and people in their respective departments. This series aims to be flexible to the needs of our participants and current and pressing issues in our society and at UNT. Thus, each IECB provides a unique experience for participants. The series ends with action planning and guidance from Diversity & Inclusion to sustain inclusive excellence. Participants who complete all five modules of the series receive a certificate. The deadline to register is May 21, 2021 and space is limited. When joining the live sessions, please use a computer or a tablet with camera capabilities. Contact for any accommodations.

All modules are from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. with the exception of Module 4, which will be from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.

  • Friday, June 4, 2021 - Module 1
  • Friday, June 11, 2021 - Module 2
  • Friday, June 18, 2021 - Module 3
  • Friday, June 25, 2021 - Module 4
  • Friday, July 9, 2021 - Module 5

    Module Descriptions:

    • Module 1: Community Building, Data, and Definitions: This introductory session explores how we define community on a personal level, within IECB, and within UNT. We will analyze current UNT data on climate and inclusion while exploring the language of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and how that impacts community at all levels. (Pre-Work +/- 1 hour)
    • Module 2: Bias Awareness, Socialization, and Identity Development: Participants explore biases, how they are embedded in our language and interactions at multiple levels, and how they are influenced by socialization. Identity development is introduced to demonstrate the importance of intentionally inclusive environments on positive student development and employee engagement. (Pre-Work +/- 1 hour)
    • Module 3: Inclusive Language, Communication, and Triggers: This session explores microaggressions and the role of language, communication, and socialization in inclusion and exclusion. Participants also explore how these contribute to identity authoring and lived experience. (Pre-Work +/- 1 hour)
    • Module 4: Anti-Racism, Privilege, and Coalition Building: Participants explore how to move from being non-racist to anti-racist and what that means. We will examine privilege and positional power in our personal lives and at UNT. The session also discusses equality vs. equity, allyship vs. accompliceship, and begins exploring their application. (Pre-Work +/- 1 hour)
    • Module 5: Change Leadership and Action Planning: This session explores organizational culture and change and how we can use our spheres of influence to enact change. Participants will consider applying change strategies to an aspect of their work environment. (Pre-Work +/- 1 hour)

    Minimum/Maximum of Participants: 40 maximum participants with a waitlist.

    To preserve the integrity of the curriculum, participants will agree to the following:

    • Participants must attend each module in proposed order.
    • Due to limited staff, session make-ups cannot be provided. Participants must attend all scheduled modules to achieve completion and will be removed from the roster if a session is missed.
    • Participants must attend each module’s entire four-hour session. Those arriving later than 15 minutes after start time will be removed from the roster. You may not leave any of your sessions early. 
    • Adhere to the “Principles of Engagement” of the series:

    Principles of Engagement list in graphic form

    • Each participant will receive a reflection journal in which they can complete their pre-work, take notes, and answer reflection questions.
    • All assigned pre-work must be completed before each session (including assigned activities, reflections, and other assignments). Participants will receive additional pre-work instructions from Diversity & Inclusion facilitators.
    • Participants will receive slide decks for each module after each session they complete.

    Registration Information

    • In order to register, you must be able to attend ALL modules virtually.
    • The registration deadline is Friday, May 21, 2021.
    • Please use a computer/tablet with camera and microphone.
    • Please contact for any accommodations.
    • Due to the time commitment of this series, manager approval is required.

      Previous Cohorts

      2019 Open Cohort Graduates

      IECB 2019 cohort posing together

      Standing left-right: Jenny Roach, Teresita Hurtado Ramos (facilitator), Angelica Burgess, Megan Cunningham, Kaitlyn Poe, Kathryn Conrad, Ashley Yzaguirre, Jessica Maidlow, Shaureece Park, Jacob Durrance, Dylan Martinez, Chad Flenar, Lisa Gorietti, Brandon Kitchin. Shani Barrax Moore (facilitator). Seated left to right: Patrick Holt, Keli Flynn, Kristina Plaster, Ella Pipes Jade Lu.

      Inaugural Inclusion, Equity, and Community Building Class

      Congratulations to the inaugural cohort of the Inclusion, Equity and Community Building open enrollment series, which graduated its first class of completers October 5th. Representative of employees across the university, these participants attended all five modules and were tasked with identifying a practice, program, or perspective within their respective units that could be improved by intentional inclusion. The cohort will continue to meet throughout the year to provide support and feedback for their change strategies.

      Inaugural Inclusion, Equity, and Community Building Class
      Back row (L-R): Anjelita Cadena, Bethany Blackstone, Vicki Campbell, Felita Cook, Saria Outhier, Elizabeth Hinkle Turner.
      Front Row: Lilly Ramin, Kathy Neira Gonzalez, Meghan Fitzgerald, Mariah Hope.



      • I loved the whole IECB series.
      • I was colorblind when we first started the IECB series. Now I have a gift in my hands and am willing to make changes.
      • The IECB series was incredibly informative and actually life changing. I learned so much that I wasn’t even aware I didn’t know.
      • Sharing examples was very helpful in this series.
      • The IECB series was so very helpful and thorough.
      • Awesome! The microaggression module should be mandatory especially for people that are in authority. I learned a lot of ways how my language and workplace communication can approve.
      • I liked the variety of activities and the opportunity for participation.
      • Housing and Residence Life IECB Participants: Winners of the Inclusive Excellence Award

      • Awesome always, you always manage to get our group to "come alive". Much appreciated.
      • Liked the one on one talking. I'd like more one on ones in small group (three people) discussions. With these discussions, I've been able to find more common ground.
      • Really enjoyed connecting with different and alike backgrounds and having candid discussions with a driven topic.
      • Presenter was engaging, open, and energetic.
      • Felt comfortable to share, enjoyed the experience. I am looking forward to the next session.