
Dr. D-L Stewart and Shani Barrax Moore discuss pronouns at the 2018 UNT Equity & Diversity Conference.

When introducing yourself, do you include your pronouns? Pronouns are words like she, him, and they which are used in place of a person’s name when speaking about them. By introducing yourself with your pronouns, you show that you don’t assume the pronouns of the people around you, which may different than you think. That’s what the importance of an awareness of pronouns is all about – we can’t know someone’s pronouns for sure unless we ask, and declaring our own during introductions is a great way to start the conversation. We don't present any of these as perfect resources beyond critique, but as resources that you might find useful in your context that perhaps you can borrow from or build from. Learn more about pronouns at

Adding Your Pronouns to UNT Information

New! You can now add your pronouns in Canvas! The CLEAR Faculty Helpdesk created instructions on their FAQ page under the "General" section.

It is recommended to include your pronouns in your Zoom name. Learn how to edit your profile in Zoom.

Here are PowerPoint guides to add your pronouns to your:

email signature


business card


Considering using this resource as a hyperlink in your email signature: What are Pronouns and Why Do Pronouns Matter?


How to ask about pronouns. 

What are pronouns?

How to share your pronouns.

Pronoun Practice App

This great practice app allows you to learn more about pronouns and practice in a safe environment. 


Misgendering is when someone calls someone by the wrong pronoun or gendered term.

Pronouns Initiative

The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion subcommittee through the Staff Senate needs your help spreading the word about the Pronouns Initiative, a UNT community effort to encourage your colleagues, friends, and others to share pronouns virtually and in-person. James Jackson, communications strategist for the Division of Institutional Equity & Diversity, created a presentation that you may download to send out to your team who may want to learn more about why pronouns are important and tips on what to do if you misgender someone.