
The following is a list of resources our community members can refer to that discuss topics relating to diversity, access, inclusion and equity on campus. We will update this page with new information as we continue to achieve our goal of creating a welcoming campus community where diverse faculty, staff and students thrive.

Helpful Links

UNT Library Resources Guide for Diversity & Inclusion

A strategic partnership with the Division of Institutional Equity & Diversity and UNT Libraries, the goal of this guide is to provide lists, links, and a compilation of suggested resources to support Diversity & inclusion (D&I) and its centers, the Multicultural Center and Pride Alliance. It also includes resources from the Division of Institutional Equity & Diversity’s Equity & Diversity Conference.


Office of Disability Access Training

The Office of Disability Access has partnered with the Multicultural Center to host trainings focused on best practices for supporting our d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Blind and Visually Impaired students. These trainings will be conducted via Zoom. Please email for the Zoom link.


Start Green, Stay Green

Knowing what to expect is important when paying for college. However, life doesn't always work out like we expect. Everyone needs a little help from time to time, so if you're facing a financial challenge that could affect your ability to stay green at UNT, we're here to help you. We want you to start green and stay green.


Counseling & Testing Services Faculty & Staff Training

UNT's Counseling & Testing Services in the Division of Student Affairs provides training for faculty and staff covering topics like practical resilience, anxiety in uncertainty, and what students want you to know about mental health.


Best Practices to Reduce Trauma and Fatigue in Zoom

Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams and other online synchronous and asynchronous work platforms are becoming more normalized as we move our work and classes online due to the ongoing pandemic. It is important to be intentional in our choices when making this change and take into consideration the advantages and limitations of the technology. This guide was designed to help improve the online experience for yourself, your co-workers, students, and the communities we are forming.

Downloadable Disability Access Symbols

Graphic Artists Guild created a downloadable zip file with white and black versions disability access symbols for use on marketing material such as flyers or brochures to advertise accessibility for your event or program. The zip file includes both white and black options in .ai, .eps, and .jpg formats.


AskJAN: A to Z of Disabilities and Accommodations

The UNT System Human Resources office recommends utilizing for information about several disabilities and conditions as well as accommodations that someone may find helpful in the work.


Resources for DACA Students

Access a plethora of helpful links, information, updates, and a downloadable DREAMers Resource Guide on one page by leaders in the UNT community.


Creating an Inclusive Syllabus

Looking for resources on how to create an inclusive syllabus and classroom climate? The University of Kansas Center for Teaching Excellence created this list of resources for instructors.


UNT Fact Book

UNT's Data, Analytics, & Institutional Research (DAIR) has a catalog of UNT Fact Books, which contain data related to enrollment test scores, degrees awarded, and more.


Virtual Diversity & Inclusion Training

Diversity & Inclusion Webinars

Looking for some engaging professional development opportunities while working from home? Check out Diversity & Inclusion’s recommended webinars and UNT TeleTalks! These recommended webinars provide foundational concepts that serve as great primers for our in-person diversity and inclusion sessions. Access is available for UNT Denton through UNT Bridge and UNT-Dallas, HSC, and System Employees through UNT World Learning. Completion of these sessions will appear in each employee’s professional development portfolio.

Diversity & Inclusion UNT TeleTalks

Our diversity and inclusion UNT TeleTalks are an assortment of UNT Denton’s related programming from events such as the Equity and Diversity Conference and Unlikely Allies Series.