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Org Chart & Governance

The University of North Texas System is led by Chancellor Lesa B. Roe, who reports to the UNT System Board of Regents. Below are the UNT System organizational chart and governance model.

Download the Org Chart

Governance Chart


To ensure UNT System efficiency and effectiveness.


Council Chairs are responsible for:

  1. Planning and implementing the strategic priorities of the Chancellor’s Council;
  2. Reporting to the Chancellor’s Council progress on the top priority operational system efficiency and effectiveness as prioritized by each Council;
  3. Cross-coordination and communication with other councils.


Chancellor's Council


  • Chancellor
  • University Presidents
  • VC/General Counsel
  • VC Academic Affairs & Student Success VC HR
  • VC Finance


  • System Administration Reviews
  • Service Alignment
  • Customer Service Metric Evaluation
  • Approve New, Cross-Cutting Initiatives
  • Quarterly Review with ITSS, HR, CFO Councils
  • University Strategic Initiatives
  • Budget Plan/Submit
  • Compliance
  • Hot Topics, High Priority/Time Sensitive Issues

ITSS Council


  • CIO
  • ITPP Committee Representative from UNT, UNTD, UNTHSC, and UNTS
  • System Budget Representative
  • Senior Manager for HRIS


  • Project Portfolio Management
  • IT Demand Management
  • IT Prioritization
  • Approves Projects < $1M
  • Data Governance
  • Customer Service Metrics
  • Compliance
  • Information Sharing/Coordination
  • Ideas/Opportunities for Improvement

HR Council


  • Chief Human Capital Officer
  • Presidential representative from each campus
  • Provost representative from each campus
  • Campus HR Directors


  • Onboarding/Offboarding
  • Compensation/Benefits
  • HR Data
  • Recruitment/Development
  • Employee Engagement
  • Succession Planning
  • Customer Service Metrics
  • Compliance
  • Information Sharing/Coordination
  • Ideas/Opportunities for Improvement
  • Performance Evaluations
  • Equity and Diversity

CFOs Council


  • UNT System CFO
  • University CFOs


  • Financial Services
  • Budget
  • Procurement
  • Controller
  • Financial Planning, Policy, Analysis, Reporting
  • Treasury 
  • Customer Service Metrics
  • Compliance
  • Information Sharing/Coordination
  • Ideas/Opportunities for Improvement
  • Financial Strategy

Coordination & Collaboration Groups (CCG)


  • Academic Affairs & Student Affairs
  • Advancement
  • Audit
  • Communications
  • Compliance Officers
  • EEO
  • Facilities
  • Government Relations
  • Legal


  • Monthly Meetings/Calls
  • Services Reviewed Annually
  • Metrics/Dashboard
  • Ideas/Opportunities for Improvement

*When applicable, a university representative from each campus and a System Administration representative will make up each CCG.

Council Operations

  1. Office of the Board Secretary and Council chairs will maintain a Sharepoint site with schedules, agendas, results and minutes of monthly or more frequent meetings.
  2. Councils and Coordination & Collaboration Groups will meet at least once per month. Additional meetings may be scheduled as needed.

Download the Governance Chart