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Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion Training and Suggested Resources. Links to Multicultural Center Guide. Created and maintained by Sociology Librarian, Lilly Ramin

Welcome!  The goal of this guide is to provide lists, links, and a compilation of suggested resources to support Diversity and inclusion (DI) trainings resources accessible through UNT Libraries.  It also includes embedded or/linked videos and shared documents from the UNT Equity and Diversity Conference. This guide is a collaboration between Diversity & Inclusion, and the Sociology Librarian.


  • January 2021 update: A new EDC official web presence was launched in for EDC 2021. Supporting resources, such as keynote books available at UNT libraries, will be on the EDC 2021 guide page. 
  • Update (Juneteenth 6/19/20):Topics page has  #BLM list with library holdings. The BLM library guide page is on the Multicultural Center Guide as well. 

Insight into Diversity Series, featuring Shani Barrax Moore

You Are Welcome Here (UNT International & colleagues)

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Titles are purchased as funds are available, and in accordance with our Collection Development Policy. This guide is not a list of all materials available at UNT Libraries to support topics of diversity and inclusion.

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