Proposal Deadline: Monday, April 5

Our Summer 2021 semester will take place in June and July, with virtual courses being offered on Zoom. All proposals received prior to the deadline will be reviewed by our Curriculum Committee (made up of OLLI at UNT members) and considered for inclusion in our upcoming semester. If your course is accepted, our Faculty Support staff will contact you to confirm a schedule and arrange logistics for your presentation.

Who can teach an OLLI course?
Many who teach for OLLI at UNT are retired professors, but others are active faculty, subject matter experts, or area professionals who are interested in sharing their knowledge and experience with a community of senior learners. You can teach in your area of academic expertise, or you can offer courses in subjects of personal interest to you. Teaching for OLLI at UNT is done on a volunteer basis.

How do I know if my course is appropriate for OLLI? 
Our members enjoy deeply researched, engaging presentations that are designed to feed their curiosity. Courses should be solely intended to educate our members, not to facilitate financial gain of the instructor or of any other individuals or organizations, either directly or by increasing business or contribution opportunities.
 An ideal OLLI course is rigorously prepared, well organized, and presented by an expert on the subject.

How are OLLI courses scheduled? 
We typically offer three class sessions each weekday, between 10:00am and 4:15pm. A single session lasts for 90 minutes. Instructors can use that time to give a detailed lecture, saving 5-10 minutes for member questions. Courses can consist of as many as four 90-minute sessions. We aim to provide our members with educational activities that allow them to engage in a substantive way with important ideas and subject matter. Keeping in line with that mission, we encourage our instructors to consider teaching a multi-session course.

Faculty Benefits

  • A faculty member may attend OLLI at UNT courses during the semester they teach at no cost. To claim a complimentary faculty membership, contact
  • Anyone who teaches for OLLI at UNT will receive a letter of appreciation from our Director, Dr. Stephanie Reinke. For current UNT professors, staff members, or graduate students, the letter will also be sent to their corresponding Dean and Chair.
  • Teaching for OLLI at UNT is a unique volunteer opportunity that is very valuable on a resume or CV.
  • Those who teach for OLLI at UNT are invited to our annual Faculty Appreciation events with UNT President Neal Smatresk.

We ask that those who teach for OLLI at UNT observe our Faculty Paradigms.

Questions? Consult our Faculty FAQ Page or contact or 940-369-7293.

Sample OLLI at UNT Courses


The video clips above offer examples of the high quality, informative, and well-organized lectures our members have come to expect from OLLI at UNT faculty.
However, these examples represent only a sample of subjects that are popular with our members. Our members are interested in all topics!