Wind Studies and Orchestral Studies Auditions

Fall 2021 Audition Dates: August 16-20, 2021

More Audition Information Will Be Posted In July 2021!

Overview of Audition Process:

Audition materials and round one signups will be posted on August 1st.
All instrumental music majors are required to participate in a large ensemble (Mulb) during fall and spring semesters.
All students participating in ensembles will audition in round one with the instrumental faculty.  The results of round one are sent to Wind Studies in two groups (A and B) for round two auditions.
Students will be assigned an audition slot either for round 2 group A or group B based on the results from round one. This audition will be with the Wind Studies and Orchestral Conductors, and instrumental faculty.
After round two, the conductors and instrumental faculty will coordinate placements into ensembles.  The placements will be posted on the Wind Studies website.
Before you audition you must complete the following requirements:

  • Submit an audition information form (to be posted)
  • Enroll in the ensemble holding course: 
    • Undergrad Mulb 1806.520
    • Graduate Mulb 5173.520
  • Once you are assigned to an ensemble Wind Studies will move you to your assigned group. If you are not enrolled in the holding course, you could incur late registration fees.
  • Sign up for a round one audition.  If you are not on the signup list for round one auditions, then we do not have you on our list to add to round 2!




                                                           Applied Faculty:

Flute-   Mary Karen Clardy
            Terri Sundberg
Oboe-  James Ryon
Bassoon - Jorge Cruz
Clarinet Daryl Coad
                Kimberly Cole Luevano
                Deborah Fabian
                Phillip O. Paglialonga

Saxophone -  Eric Nestler


Trumpet - John Holt
                 Caleb Hudson
                Raquel Rodriguez

Horn -  Stacie Mickens
Trombone - Tony Baker
                    Natalie Mannix
                    Steven Menard

Euphonium - David Childs
Tuba - Don Little
Percussion Chris Deane
                       Mark Fork
                       Paul Rennick


Wind Studies Ensemble Rehearsal Schedule:
Wind Symphony: Tuesday/Thursday 1:15-4:05 pm (Murchison)
Wind Orchestra: Tuesday/Thursday 12:30-3:15 pm (Murchison)
Wind Ensemble: Tuesday/Thursday 3:30-6:15 pm (Murchison)
Brass Band: Monday/Wednesday 2:15-4:05 pm (MU232)
Concert Band: Monday/Wednesday 1:15-3:15 pm (Murchison)
University Band: Monday/Wednesday 3:30-5:30 pm (Murchison)