College of Law FAQ

What is the university doing to help create a safe environment while I’m on campus?

  • The university has adopted COVID-19 response guidelines that include enhanced cleaning and disinfecting protocols, especially in high-traffic areas, providing hand sanitizing stations throughout campus and limiting the number of students and employees coming to campus.
  • Classroom, library and gathering spaces have been reconfigured to limit seating and increase opportunities to practice safe social distancing.
  • The university requires everyone to wear a mask while on campus. That requirement includes students, staff, faculty and campus visitors.
  • Most classes have been moved to a virtual format so that the majority of students can take their classes from a remote location.
  • The university has added campus signage to reduce traffic flow in certain areas, limit the number of people in elevators and remind everyone to follow the standard health and safety guidelines.

What can I do to help protect myself and others while on campus?

  • Self-screen before coming to campus. Each day before coming to campus, please check for any symptoms of COVID-19 as outlined by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Note that some people may show no symptoms and still carry the virus, so continue to follow all safety guidelines even if you don’t feel sick. 
  • Wear a face covering. Face coverings are required on campus at all times, unless you’re eating or drinking.   
  • Practice social distancing. While on campus, remain 6 feet apart from others at all times. 
  • Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer frequently.
  • If you feel sick, please do not come to campus. For the safety of your fellow classmates and all of the UNT Dallas employees, please stay home if you feel sick.
  • Follow all of the safety guidelines recommended by the Center for Disease Control and outlined by the UNT System.

What do I do if I forget my face covering and I’m on campus?

Students are expected to provide their own face covering every day they visit campus. If you forget, and come to campus without a face covering, please visit the College of Law police department.

When will campus open and which resources will be open?

  • The UNT Dallas Law Center will reopen on Aug. 24, the first day of the Fall 2020 semester -- fall classes are offered online and in-person.
  • The UNT Dallas Law Library will open on a limited basis. Visit for updated hours of operation.

What areas will be closed off for all student use?

Student, Faculty and Staff breakrooms, the coffee makers, the water fountains, kitchen areas, the refrigerators, the showers and the meditation room will be closed. Please come prepared with your own food and drink for the time you will be at the Law Center. The vending machines will remain open. The Student Organizations workroom will be closed to all students with the exception of access to the student printer. Students who require use of the Mother’s Room should contact the College of Law Office of Student Affairs to schedule time for such use. 

Is a hotline accessible for students with questions about all aspects of the university?

Yes. For all questions, call or text: 972-503-9253. You can also email or use the chat box tool accessible at the bottom left corner of our website ( 

How can students access the Student Health Clinic?

The Student Health Clinic has transitioned from in-person visits to virtual telehealth until further notice. Virtual visits are FREE. To schedule an appointment, call 972-338-1793. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency department. Currently, COVID-19 testing is not available at the clinic.

Will student workers be permitted to work on campus?

All student workers will be permitted to return to campus.  Contact your supervisor for more information. You must complete mandatory training before returning to on-campus work.

Will ASP/Bar Prep assistance be available?

All ASP/Bar Prep assistance will be by appointment only.  If you are a 1L in need of academic assistance, please contact Professor Heck ( or Professor Moore (  If you are a 2L, 3L, 4L or studying for the bar exam, please contact either Professor Shah ( or Professor Conway (

How do I get help with my research?

The Law Library staff may be reached to answer all questions and requests regarding access to research materials. Contact Ed Hart:  

How do I obtain a parking permit?

College of Law students can purchase 2020-2021 parking permit for the Elm Street Parking Garage by emailing or visiting the parking garage office located on the third floor, by the skybridge.

I think I may have COVID-19 or have been in contact with someone who does. What should I do?

If you suspect that you are sick and you’re on campus, please contact the Health Hotline at 972-638-9164 so that you can be safely moved to a campus isolation room and provided with assistance. If you are not on campus and feel sick, please do not return to campus. Contact the Health Hotline at 972-638-9164, locate the nearest COVID-19 testing center, quarantine at home, self-monitor and contact the Health Hotline, Asst. Dean Kevin Robinowich at 214-243-1788 and your instructors with your test results.

What happens if someone I’ve had contact with on campus tests positive for COVID-19?

UNT Dallas is working in partnership with Dallas County Health and Human Services for our contact tracing efforts. If you think you have been in contact with someone who had COVID-19 please contact Asst. Dean Kevin Robinowich at 214-243-1788 and our COVID hotline email address at

Where can I get tested for COVID-19? 

The Dallas County Health Department website also has a list of testing locations.

What do I do if I discover that I’ve tested positive for COVID-19?

  • If a College of Law Student tests positive for COVID-19, you must alert Dean Robinowich at 214-243-1788.
  • Contact the Health Hotline 972-638-9164, your instructors and your supervisor if you work on campus. 
  • Do not return to campus. Self-quarantine for at least 14 days (even if you’re at home) and follow the instructions provided by your physician. 
  • If you have interacted with anyone from the College of Law while you were positive (even if you didn’t present any symptoms), please share those names with Dean Robinowich to facilitate contact-tracing. In the event of an infection to a member of our community, the College of Law will have to be closed for deep cleaning and all classes will automatically go online until we are informed that it is safe to be back in the building. It is very important that everyone who plans to enter the building take every precaution you can to ensure that you do not contract COVID-19 or share it with other members of the College of Law community. We are all dependent upon one another.

What happens if Dallas County or the State of Texas issues another mandatory shelter in place order?

Every in-person class has a remote option. If the university needs to close, all classes will be moved to a virtual learning environment and continued in a remote format. Continue to check your student email for any changes or university updates.

Is the Counseling and Wellness Center accessible?

All counseling services provided at the UNT Dallas College of Law are still available through virtual teletherapy. Alyse Willett is a Licensed Professional Counselor at the Law School who works with law students on a variety of issues. If you are interested in seeking out counseling services through Alyse, you may contact her via email at or call 214-571-2423

Counseling Services are also available at the UNT Dallas main campus.

Students also continue to have access to WellConnect. Through WellConnect, students and members of their households have access to one-on-one, 24/7, telephonic access to licensed mental health professionals for in-the-moment support. Other WellConnect services include:

  • Six (6) sessions of telephonic counseling, or in-person sessions from preferred providers in the area, at locations and times that are convenient
  • Debt and financial consultation
  • Health and wellness consultations
  • Students can access WellConnect at any time by calling 1-866-640-4777 and identifying themselves as a UNT Dallas College of Law student or a family/household member of a UNT Dallas College of Law student 

How do I meet with the College of Law’s Student Affairs Staff?

Due to adjustments related to COVID 19, students seeking to meet with the Office of Student Affairs Staff may do so by appointment only.

To schedule a meeting with Kevin Robinowich, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, contact:

Will the VA pay for students who may be moved to online programs if the online program has not been approved by the State?

Yes. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will continue providing the same level of education benefits to students having to take courses online due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. For more information, click here.

Will UNT Dallas College of Law still hold commencement ceremonies?

As plans are finalized, more information will be provided regarding Fall 2020 commencement ceremonies. 

How do I contact the UNT Dallas College of Law Police Department?

To report any safety concerns, suspicious activity on campus or in an emergency, contact:

UNTD Law Center Police Department Cell- 940-703-2466

UNTD Law Center Security Desk- 214-571-4811

Students may also download and utilize the Live Safe app on your smart phone.

Who do I contact if I have additional questions?

If you still have unanswered questions, please contact the student hotline for additional resources and information at 972-503-9253. Expect to leave a message and have your call returned, as the hotline number is experiencing a high call volume.