Mandatory Training

COVID-19 Safety Training for UNT Dallas is now available through UNT World Learning:

La versión en español del Entrenamiento de Seguridad COVID 19 de UNT Dallas - Módulo 1 está disponible.  Solicítela  a su supervisor o envíe un correo electrónico

Required Training Modules

As a contingent of our faculty, staff and student workers prepare to return to campus for the Fall 2020 semester, it is important for all UNT Dallas community members to understand the measures we have put in place to protect everyone’s health and safety.

Before returning to campus, all UNT Dallas employees, including temporary hourly employees, are required to complete a brief, two-part online COVID-19 Safety Training. The deadline to complete Module I is Monday, Aug. 3; and the deadline to complete Module II is Aug. 24. Even if you are not scheduled to return to campus at the start of the semester, both training sessions must be completed by their respective deadlines.

Any personnel who remained on campus, have already returned or are planning to return before Aug. 24, should complete both training sessions as soon as possible.

The COVID-19 Safety Training is available through UNT World Learning. Once you log on, Modules will appear under “required list of training.” 

While you’re on campus, please be responsible and consistently follow the safety protocols so that we can create a safe environment for our UNT Dallas community. Stay smart. Stay strong. Stay safe.

For questions or trouble accessing the training, contact