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LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning is provided free of charge to UNT System students, faculty and staff and can be accessed by using your work email. You can browse through more than 10,000 courses, some of which offer multi-language access. There are also LinkedIn courses available on UNT World Learning.

Each course consists of a series of short videos, so users can learn at their own pace. All videos are viewable on computers or via LinkedIn Learning’s mobile app for iPhone, iPad or Android.

For a great overview, watch the How to Use LinkedIn Learning course.

To access LinkedIn Learning, you will have to log-in using your work email address. If you’re already logged into LinkedIn with a personal account, you will have to sign out and log-in using the correct email address.

Click here to login.


Working  Remotely? Here are some Linkedin Learning courses to support you in this transition.

The Challenge of Working from Home

Leading Your Team Through Change

Leading Virtual Meetings

Managing Virtual Teams

Working Remotely


ODE Staff Linkedin Learning Recommendations

Sony Simon, ODE Leadership Programs Coordinator, Recommends:

I recommend “The challenge of working from home.” This session gives tips to help with the challenges we are facing, while working remotely, during this pandemic.  Working from home is a challenge in itself for many people at this time with balancing family life and work.  The tips that are given will help you to manage your time working from home versus working from your office.  This session gives tips to help minimize distractions and manage your time wisely. 

Amanda Fisher, ODE Senior Learning and Development Specialist, Recommends:

I recommend “Leading Your Team Through Change”. This session helped me to reflect on dealing with change from two perspectives: that of a leader, and that of someone who can lead from within their role as a team member. When I came back from maternity leave, I went through a great deal of change professionally and personally. As I reflect on the changes I am experiencing now, reviewing this video helped me to visualize the role I play in the process of change and the fluid nature of change.  I also liked the presenter’s personal stories on how he used change strategies to help him to achieve real results! 

Shannon Williams, ODE Organizational Development Consultant, Recommends:

I recommend In light of recent transitions to working remotely, stress can easily build as we strive to navigate personal and professional demands. Managing our stress now may be more challenging than ever. The De-stress: Meditation and Movement for Stress Management session offers quick, practical techniques to help relieve a little stress during the day. 

Suzanne Gravois, ODE LMS Administrator & Learning Technology Consultant, Recommends:

I recommend the course “Leading Virtual Meetings”.  If you are new to conducting online meetings, it can certainly be a challenge when you are learning to use new applications, dealing with personal networks and other hardware.  Learn to make these meetings successful and encourage participation from your team.

Denise H. Winchester, UNT Health Science Center Campus, HR Intern, Recommends:

I recommend the following LinkedIn Learning courses:

"6 Morning habits of High Performers".    This 23 minute course suggests that we commit to one or more of the Six habits each day to increase daily performance that will be beneficial in professional or personal life.  The acronym used to describe the habits is SAVERS, and they are silence, affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading and scribing.  By incorporating one or more daily, they are sure to place individuals on the path to success. 

"Developing Your Emotional Intelligence".  This 1 hour and 8 minute course teaches skills to aid in practicing self-awareness in how we handle ourselves during stressful moments and how our tone and body language may come across to others.  Maintaining self-control, and practicing effective communication, and realizing that communication isn’t only about what we have to say, but more about how what we say is perceived by listeners.  
"Having an Honest Conversation with Your Boss".  This 1 hour and 16 minute course encourages the most effective ways to meet with your boss to discuss a desire for additional responsibilities, promotions, and or mistakes made and taking corrective behaviors to remedy those actions.  It enforces the importance of being prepared, organized and focus when meeting with our boss to ensure the best possible outcomes. 

Jasmine Williams-Thompson, HR Benefits Specialist, Recommends:

I recommend “Managing Your Career as an Introvert”. If you are more reserved but would like to use introversion to your advantage, this session will definitely help you do that. One thing that stood out to me from this session was really pinpointing my strengths and skills as an introvert.

Cindy Cantu, HR Generalist, Recommends:

I recommend "How to Slow Down and Be More Productive".  This session will teach you some time management and personal development skills.  Although slowing down may sound counterintuitive when pressing deadlines are knocking at your door or there’s a need to make a quick decision, this video provides insight as to why it works when you follow some basic tactics to your daily working routine.  The end result - a more creative, relaxed and productive day.

Stacie Fredrickson, HR Representative – Records Specialist, Recommends:

I recommend “Working with Upset Customers”. Conflict resolution is such an important facet of customer facing positions, so I take any opportunity I can to participate in training that helps build my toolkit. This training provided me with multiple techniques to use during interactions with upset or angry customers. It taught me that we can learn from angry customers to help prevent the situation from escalating the next time. I was able to learn that we should focus on helping the customer leave feeling good about the interaction rather than negative. I have been able to utilize these tools in my daily kit when I am assisting our employees with their questions or concerns.
I highly recommend “Mindfulness Practices”. I had never really practiced mindfulness in the workplace, or even knew how it could relate to what I was doing day to day. This training goes over calming exercises to clear your headspace to help with better focus, and it teaches you how to incorporate it into your work life. It also covers how mindfulness can help when leading others or even working with difficult people. These practices have completely changed the way I am able to interpret, focus, and process the work I do and the customer I help. I am more relaxed and I find that I am able to more clearly understand and solve problems. 

Paula Bearden, ODE Consultant & Employee Engagement Specialist, Recommends:

I recommend Digital Body Language. Recently, our work world has become highly dependent on using multiple channels of digital communication where the need to be clear with our intended message is even more important to the success of a team. The more you communicate amongst your team, the more opportunities to develop stronger relationships and build trust exist. The course, Digital Body Language, digs into ways you can convey your emotional expression and context in your messaging. Like many others, I usually find myself re-reading over my emails questioning if I have really captured what I want to say. This session gives you concrete guidelines to make sure that you are communicating the right emotional tone to your team members creating a culture of clarity instead of confusion.