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Available Training Opportunities

ODE Live Training Via Zoom (in real time)

If you require special accommodation requirements as outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act, please provide your request to and a representative from the Office of Organizational Development & Engagement will contact you. 

Managing Stress & Anxiety

This workshop about stress will take part mostly in your head. During the workshop, we will discuss how our brains respond to the many stressors the world delivers. We will explore practical, simple, and effective strategies for reducing stress. The presenter will also share a library of helpful resources anyone could use to practice stress reduction individually. 
When:  Wednesday, April 28, 2021  10:00 AM – 11:00 AM   Intended Audience:  All employees 

Managing Remote Workers

The workplace is changing rapidly. A large and increasing number of employees work remotely. Given the impact of the pandemic, the increasingly global nature of today’s organizations, and improvements in collaboration technology, this trend is likely to keep gaining momentum. By improving your ability to manage off-site employees, you will help ensure that your team is cohesive and productive.

When:  Wednesday, May 5, 2021  1:30 PM – 3:30 PM   Intended Audience:  Supervisors

Leading Change for Supervisors

Change is present in every aspect of our lives and has become the norm within organizations. This session will provide supervisors with a clearer understanding of what happens to people when change occurs. It also introduces the tools and techniques you can use to effectively supervise through change, ultimately allowing you to be prepared to address the myriad of changes that come your way.

When:  Wednesday, May 12, 2021  2:30 PM – 4:00 PM   Intended Audience:  Supervisors

Perception Checking

Have you ever heard the notion: “Perception is reality”? Are you willing to engage in an intentional, strategic process to ensure that the way you perceive, and are perceived by, others, is actually an accurate assessment?
Perception checking is a process that helps individuals decode messages more accurately and reduces defensiveness and the potential for conflict. This is significant in both personal and professional relationships.

When:  Wednesday, May 19, 2021  10:00 AM – 11:30 AM   Intended Audience:  All employees

Resume Tips

This session features reviewing resumes, tips and current best practices. Presented by Sue Aichele of Human Resources, Talent Acquisition.

When:  Wednesday, May 26, 2021  11:00 AM – 12:00 PM   Intended Audience:  All employees

ODE Pre-Recorded Webinars

Our pre-recorded webinars, along with accompanying participant guides, are available on UNT World Learning. Click on the title below to access the training, and then click "Register Now" to begin. Participant guides are available for download at the start of each session.

Webinars for All Employees

Critical Thinking Skills
Benefits of the EAP
Clifton Strengths 
How to Handle Change 
Emotional Intelligence 
Communicating with Confidence
Multi-Generational Workplace
Attitude: A Little Thing that Makes a Big Difference
Customer Service Principles Communication
Skillful Collaboration
Building Resilience in Uncertain Times
Developing Positive Relationships
Dealing with Challenging Attitudes:  From the Inside Out
Employee Engagement Overview
Resolving Conflict
Communication Styles
Productive Work Habits
Customer Service Principles:  Problem Solving
De-escalation Techniques:  How to Communicate Effectively with Upset People
Communication Skills:  Part 1
Communication Skills Part 2
Engaging with Empathy
How to Manage Your Emotions
Strategies for Flourishing in the New Normal:  Is it even possible?
Managing Up
Got the COVID Holiday Blues?  Strategies for Coping with 2020 Holiday Stress
Understanding & Boosting Motivation
Engagement Action Planning

Webinars for Supervisors

Deconstructing the Difficult Conversation
Positive Approaches to Resolving Performance and Conduct Problems 
Foundations of Supervision 
Coaching for Performance 
Performance Management
Facilitating Effective Performance Evaluations
The Employee Lifecycle
The Art of Successful Coaching
Supervisor Communication Skills
Managing Remote Workers

Diversity and Inclusion Training

We have partnered with UNT Diversity and Inclusion to deliver virtual diversity and inclusion training resources to everyone in UNT World. Check out UNT Diversity and Inclusion’s recommended webinars and Tele-Talks! These webinars provide foundational concepts that serve as great primers for UNT’s in-person diversity and inclusion sessions. Completion of these sessions will appear in each employee’s professional development portfolio.

Please click here to access these virtual training opportunities on the D&I Resources website.

Register for a Class

You can enroll in live training and/or online training classes using the UNT World Learning system.  UNT World learning will save your training record and provide the option for a certificate if needed.

Follow the directions below to enroll in a live training session or take an online course.

  1. Login to UNT World Learning
  2. Click on the Learning Library
  3. Browse through a category to locate a live training session or an online course
  4. Click on Review for additional information
  5. Click on Register or Begin Course button