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Other Paid Leaves

Assistant Dog Training

A disabled employee is entitled to a leave of absence with full pay up to 10 days in a fiscal year for training in the use of an assistance dog.

Miscellaneous Leave with Pay Policy

Floating Holiday

The use of designated floating holiday may be scheduled at any time during the fiscal year with prior approval.

  • Floating holidays used while an employee is on FMLA will not count against their FMLA entitlement.
  • Unused floating holiday time does not carry forward from one fiscal year to the next.     

Holidays Policy

Foster Parent

Employees may use pay to attend meetings with the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services or with school district officials to discuss admission, review, or dismissal of a foster child.

  • Employees are required to present a copy of any notice received to verify the date, time, and location of the meeting.
  • Employees are required to return to work after the meetings, if applicable.
  • An employee is entitled to full pay without being charged any of their paid leave accruals.

Miscellaneous Leave with Pay Policy

Jury and Witness Duty

Used when an employee is summoned to jury duty or witness duty without loss of pay.

Miscellaneous Leave with Pay Policy

American Red Cross Certified Service Volunteers

Used when a certified disaster services volunteer or trainee participates in specialized disaster relief services.  Up to 10 days per fiscal year.  Requires request by Red Cross and approval of supervisor and Governor.

Miscellaneous Leave with Pay Policy

Volunteer Firefighter and Emergency Medical Service Volunteers

Employees who are volunteer firefighters or emergency medical service volunteers are granted a leave of absence with full pay to attend emergency medical service or fire service training.  Five days per fiscal year allotted to attend training, or respond to emergency fire or medical calls.

Miscellaneous Leave with Pay Policy

Time off for Voting

To provide faculty and staff members a reasonable period of time off during the regular workday for voting on an official election day.

Miscellaneous Leave with Pay Policy

Conferences and Professional Meetings Attendance

Faculty and staff members are granted permission to attend conferences, training programs, and professional meetings when it is determined that such attendance will enhance the prestige of the University and will contribute to the professional/personal development of the individual and the advancement of knowledge within his or her professional field.

Absence to attend Conferences, Training Programs, and Professional Meetings Policy

Organ, Bone Marrow or Blood Donors

Leave that allows for an employee to be granted up to five working days in a fiscal year to serve as a bone marrow donor or up to 30 working days in a fiscal year to serve as an organ donor. Proper documentation from the licensed medical practitioner is required.
Leave that allows for an employee to be granted sufficient time up to four times each fiscal year to donate blood. The employee must obtain approval from the employee’s supervisor prior to the Leave and must provide proof of the blood donation upon returning to work.

Miscellaneous Leave with Pay Policy

Administrative Leave for Fitness Program Participation

Works toward improving the health and well-being of System full-time regular staff members who participate in the UNT Fitness Program, which provides sufficient time for participation.

Administrative Leave for Fitness Program Participation Policy

Compensatory Leave and Overtime

Compensates employees for overtime worked in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and with state law.

Compensatory Leave and Overtime Policy

Inclement Weather

Location closures due to inclement weather or emergency situations are announced by each campus president or senior executive and are recorded by department timekeepers. To be automatically notified when emergency or weather situations occur:

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