***Important Information***

Due to COVID-19 Financial Aid Staff will be working remotely during this time.

Please direct all questions and concerns about financial aid to financialaid@untdallas.edu; every email will be answered in a timely manner. Please monitor your student email for updates concerning university guidance.


Attention students, 20/21 financial aid applications open. Complete your FAFSA or TASFA today.

Financial Aid and Scholarships


How would selecting the Pass/No Pass grading options for summer 2020 affect my aid eligibility and renewal going forward after the summer term?

This could affect your eligibility in multiple ways.  Be aware that the GPA, hours, and SAP requirements for all of the Federal, State, and Institutional aid programs have not been waived and they will be enforced at the end of the summer term.  If guidance or release from these requirements is provided, all affected students will be evaluated based on the current guidance and rules in affect. 

Scenarios related to the selection of Pass/No Pass grading:

  • If Pass/No Pass grades are not selected (traditional grades) – If a student chooses not to opt-in to receiving any Pass/No Pass grades, then their term and cumulative GPAs will be calculated using the grades and hours earned for that term.  Continued aid eligibility will be determined from these updated hours and GPAs.
  • All Pass/No Pass grades selected (P/NP grades) – If a student chooses to opt-in to receive all Pass/No Pass grades for all of their term courses, these grades will not be included in any GPA calculations for term or cumulative GPAs.  The cumulative GPA that you received at the end of the spring 2020 term will roll forward and be your summer 2020 cumulative GPA.  Any credit hours earned in P/NP grades will be included in the cumulative and term hour’s calculations.
  • Mix of traditional and P/NP grades (mixed grades) – If a student chooses to opt-in to receive Pass/No Pass grades in some but not all of their courses for the term, then their term and cumulative GPAs will be calculated using only the courses that they are receiving traditional grades in.  P/NP grades are not factored into the GPA calculations however; they are included in the cumulative and term hour’s calculations.


I am currently on SAP probation because of an approved SAP appeal.  How could opting in for summer Pass\No Pass grades affect my academic plan and\or approved appeal?

You will need to reach out directly to the Financial Aid Office at financialaid@untdallas.edu and ask that your probation status be reviewed, you will also need to include if you intend to make a change in your grading.  Each Probation status will be reviewed individually.  Be aware that SAP requirements have not been waived and that you are still in a probation status.  Any change in grading option for the summer could void you approved SAP appeal.  You will be advised as to the impact any potential change in your grading option might have on your SAP probation status.


Will my financial aid change now that there is only online instruction?

No, your financial aid will not change due to courses being taught online.  If you maintain your enrollment status, your aid will not be affected.


What should I keep in mind if I am considering dropping a course or withdrawing?

Withdrawing from all courses may result in a change to your financial aid. Students who withdraw from all classes may only keep the financial aid they have “earned” up to the time of withdrawal. Our office will calculate the amount of aid you have earned and any federal aid received in excess of the calculated earned amount will be returned to the US Department of Education.  This may result in the creation of a balance due that you will be responsible for.

As always, dropping a course at this time in the semester or withdrawing altogether can impact your future financial aid eligibility.  Additionally, dropping or withdrawing from a course or courses could affect your course completion percentage, or pace, and the extension in your academic plan that this would result in may cause you to exceed your maximum timeframe for financial aid. Both of these factors, along with GPA, are components of your Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), which must be maintained in order to continue qualifying for federal student aid. For more information, visit our Satisfactory Academic Progress page.


Will my Pell Grant be affected by the move to online courses?

No, federal grant funding such as Pell, TEACH, and SEOG will not be affected with the change in method of instruction.


Will my TEXAS Grant be affected by the move to online courses?

No, state grant funding such as the TEXAS Grant will not be affected with the change in method of instruction.


Will my UNT Dallas scholarships or grants be affected by the move to online courses?

No, UNT Dallas scholarship and grant aid will not be affected with the change in method of instruction.


If I am a student with a federal work-study positon, will I still be paid for my current federal work-study award?

Yes, you will still be paid up to your federal work-study award amount.  Please refer to guidance sent to you by the Financial Aid Office as well as discuss with our federal work-study supervisor.

UNT Dallas Graduation cap with monopoly money on it




Student Center, One-Stop
F: 972.338.1799

7300 University Hills Blvd
Dallas, Texas 75241
financialaid@untdallas.edu M-Th 8am-6pm, F 8am-5pm


Ayuda Financiera Información en Español

Abajo encontrara un enlace de recursos sobre asistencia financiera en español. Si tiene alguna pregunta específica sobre ayuda financiera o becas, favor de comunicarse con la oficina de ayuda financiera y becas.

Solicitud Gratuita de Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes en Español
Página Web Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes
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