Commencement Cords, Stoles, and Embellishments

Elite Scholar Cord

Who is eligible
For students who have completed a 100 hour minimum internship, practicum, or student teaching while being a student at UNT Dallas.

For inquiries, please contact the Office of Experiential Learning or 972-338-1763

Community Engaged Cord

Who is eligible
For students who have completed a minimum of 50 hours of community service or service learning while being a student at UNT Dallas

For inquiries, please contact the Office of Experiential Learning or 972-338-1763

University Latin Honors

Who is eligible:
UNT Dallas recognizes the following Latin honors:

Cum Laude – 3.5-3.69 GPA
Magna Cum Laude – 3.7-3.89  GPA
Summa Cum Laude – 3.9-4.0 GPA

Students with memberships to an honor society or student organization should contact that society or organization for information on their honor’s awards.

The GPA used to calculate your honors is determined by the following;

Graduating Semester is Fall 2015 to Summer 2019 = Overall GPA (Cumulative UNTD + Transfer work)
Graduating Semester is Fall 2019 or beyond = UNTD GPA (Cumulative UNTD work only)

We will use the GPA associated with the semester you are walking in commencement in for determining whether you are eligible to purchase a stole. This means that you may not be meeting honors going into commencement and thereby not be eligible to wear the honor's stole at the ceremony but, with the posting of your final grades, end up meeting honors after the ceremony. In this case your diploma will state your honors as well as your transcript. You will be able to receive a stole at that time. 

Contact the Office of the Registrar at or 972-780-3664 for questions about Latin honors. 

UNTD Staff Commencement Cord

Who is eligible:

On behalf of Staff Council, UNT Dallas employees who are also graduating from UNT Dallas have the opportunity to wear the UNT Dallas Staff Commencement Cord when participating in the commencement ceremony. The cord is a combination of one green cord and one blue cord. Any person directly, and currently, employed by UNT Dallas who is graduating with a degree from UNT Dallas can request to wear the cord. The cord is presented at no cost to full-time staff on behalf of Staff Council. For student employees, the cord can be purchased by the student or the student’s supervising department. It is up to the discretion of the supervising department whether the cord is payed for by the department or by the student.

How to request a staff cord:

Full time Staff

  1. Complete the Cord Request form. Click here for the form. 
  2. Obtain your department supervisor’s signature.
  3. Submit the signed form to the Registrar’s Office to obtain your cord.

Student Employees

  1. Complete the Cord Request form. Click here for the form.
  2. Obtain your department supervisor’s signature.
  3. Carry this form to the Bookstore and purchase your cord.


       3. Have your department’s purchasing designee carry this form to the Bookstore and purchase the cord on your behalf.

Veteran Honor Cord

Who is eligible:

UNT Dallas honors those who serve or have honorably served in the U.S. Armed Forces with Military and Veteran Honor Cords to wear at commencement. 

How to request the cord:

Contact the Veterans Success Center at 972-338-1786.

SALUTE Honor Society Cord

Who is eligible:

The SALUTE Honor Society recognizes American active military and student veterans who have earned an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher (graduate students must have a minimum of 3.5 GPA). The goal of this honor society is to honor our student veterans who have shown courage, strength, leadership, excellence, and perseverance in their military endeavors and now are showing that same commitment to their academic careers. One unique element of our honor society includes the 4-tier system, which is designed to encourage student veterans to strive to improve their GPAs and advance to higher tier levels in the honor society during their academic careers.

How to request the stole:

Contact the Veterans Success Center at 972-338-1786.

Purple Heart Honor Cord

Who is eligible:

The Purple Heart Medal is awarded to members of the armed forces of the U.S. who are wounded by an instrument of war in the hands of the enemy and posthumously to the next of kin in the name of those who are killed in action or die of wounds received in action. It is specifically a combat decoration. UNT Dallas honors Purple Heart recipients with a Purple Heart Honor Cords to wear at commencement. 

How to request the cord:

Contact the Veterans Success Center at 972-338-1786.

Military Dependent Honor Cord

Who is eligible:

UNT Dallas honors the dependents of those who serve or have honorably served in the U.S. Armed Forces with Military Dependent Honor Cords to wear at commencement. 

How to request the cord:

Contact the Veterans Success Center at 972-338-1786

Student Organization Cords & Stoles

Depending on your level of involvement and other requirements, your student organization may have a cord or stole for you. Check with the leadership of each organization for more information on how to receive a cord or stole.