Student Conduct and Community Standards

Mission Statement

The Student Conduct and Community Standards staff in the Dean of Students Office educates and develops students through a process of accountability that promotes integrity, responsibility, and growth, as they engage students in critical reflection of their choices.  The Student Conduct and Community Standards staff is committed to the protection of the learning environment of the University, the health and safety of the community, and the rights of individual students throughout this process.

Student Conduct and Community Standards (SCCS) enforces the Code of Student Conduct. The Code explains what conduct is prohibited, the process the SCCS uses to review reports of alleged misconduct by students, and the sanctions that can be assigned. When students may have violated the Code they meet with a representative from the Student Conduct and Community Standards to discuss the alleged misconduct in an educational process.



Anyone can report alleged misconduct to the Student Conduct and Community Standards by visiting Crimes can be reported to law enforcement (the UNT Police Department or the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over where the crime took place).

Anyone who has experienced discrimination or harassment (including sex-based harassment such as sexual assault, sexual misconduct, relationship violence or stalking) can contact the DOS (940.565.2648) file a report at, the Title IX Coordinator/Office of Equal Opportunity (940.565.2759), or the UNT Police Department (940.565.3000).  

Assistance and support are available through the UNT Survivor Advocate.

Additional Conduct Resources:

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