Clery Act

The “Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act,” commonly referred to as the “Clery Act,” is a federal law that requires institutions of higher education in the United States to disclose campus security information, including crime statistics for the campus and surrounding areas.

Who is Jeanne Clery?

In 1986 Jeanne Clery, a freshman at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, was murdered and sexually assaulted in her campus residence hall room by another student she did not know. The university had not informed students about 38 violent crimes on campus in the three years preceding her murder. Jeanne Clery's parents, Connie & Howard, led the efforts to enact the original Campus Security Act. In 1998, Congress formally named the law in memory of Jeanne Clery.

Annual Security Report

The personal safety and security of every member of the university community is of paramount concern to all at the University of North Texas Health Science Center. In keeping with this concern, each year the university publishes the Annual Security Report (ASR) informing the campus about programs and services to enhance campus security, crime statistics, and student disciplinary referrals for certain crime-related conduct.


Campus Security Authorities

In order to ensure all criminal activity is disclosed, the Clery Act requires UNTHSC to identify individuals and organizations to which crimes may be reported as a result of their position with UNTHSC. These individuals and organizations are called Campus Security Authorities (CSAs).

Who is considered a UNTHSC CSA?

  • Members of the UNTHSC Police Department
  • Individuals who have responsibility for campus security but are not members of the UNTHSC Police Department. An example would be an individual that monitors the entrances into buildings and property or acts as event security.
  • An individual or organization specified by the UNTHSC’s statement of campus security policy as someone that students should report criminal offenses.
  • Individuals who have a significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including but not limited to, student discipline, and campus judicial proceedings

Who is not considered a CSA?

  • A faculty member who does not have any responsibility for students and campus activity beyond the classroom.
  • Clerical staff; facilities or maintenance staff.
  • Any support position that does not have significant responsibility for students and campus activities.

Reporting a Crime

CSAs are required to immediately notify the UNTHSC Police of alleged crimes reported to them. These reports will be used by UNTHSC to:

  • Fulfill its responsibility to annually disclose Clery crime statistics;
  • To issue timely warnings for Clery crimes that pose a threat to the campus community; and
  • To enter information in the Daily Crime Log.

The following information should be obtained from anyone reporting a crime to a CSA. The answers to these questions can provide valuable information that will assist in the criminal investigation, annual reporting requirements, and the issuance of a timely warning to the UNTHSC community if appropriate.

  • Who was involved?
  • What occurred?
  • Where did it occur?
  • When did it occur?
  • How did it occur?

Clery Crime Definitions

Any Clery crime listed below that is reported to a CSA must immediately be reported to the UNTHSC Police Department.

Criminal Offenses

Criminal homicide: murder and non-negligent manslaughter, manslaughter by negligence Sexual Offenses: rape, fondling, incest, statutory rape Robbery Aggravated assault Burglary Motor vehicle theft Arson

Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) Offenses

Domestic violence Dating violence Stalking

Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Action

Weapons law violations Drug abuse violations Liquor law violations

Hate Crimes (Crimes within the Criminal Offenses Category plus crimes listed below)

Larceny-theft Simple assault Intimidation Destruction/damage/vandalism of property Hate Crimes Bias Categories include: -Race -Gender -Gender Identity -Religion -Sexual Orientation -Ethnicity -National Origin -Disability


Clery Geography

Clery Crimes that occur in the Clery geography below are required to be reported:

  • On Campus: Property owned or controlled by UNTHSC that is reasonably contiguous to one another and directly supports or relates to UNTHSC’s education purpose.
  • Public Property: All public property that is within the same reasonably contiguous area, such as sidewalks, streets, thoroughfares, or parking, and is adjacent to UNTHSC owned or controlled properties.
  • Non-campus: Buildings or property owned or controlled by UNTHSC or a recognized student organization that is frequently used by students for educational purposes and is not within the same reasonably contiguous area.

Report a Crime

Important Notice: The online report is solely for including the information in the university’s annual crime statistics in accordance with Clery Act requirements. Campus crime statistics are published each fall semester in the university’s Annual Security Report. The online report should not be used to make a police report, report a crime in progress, or report any crime that poses a continuing or immediate threat to the campus community.

If there is an immediate risk to life, safety, or property, contact UNTHSC Police Department at (817) 735-2210 (non-emergency) or (817) 735-2600 (emergency).

Clery Incident Report Form


Which institutions must comply with the Clery Act?

All institutions of postsecondary education, both public and private, that participate in federal student aid programs must publish and disseminate an annual campus security report as well as make timely warnings of any ongoing threats to the campus community.

Do university officials other than law enforcement have reporting obligations under the Clery Act?

Yes. All institutional officials with significant responsibility for campus and student activities are referred to in the Clery Act as a Campus Security Authority (CSA). All CSA’s have reporting obligations under the Clery Act. Faculty who serve as advisors to student groups, coaches, and staff involved in student affairs are all included in this group. Only professional mental health and pastoral counselors are exempt from reporting when acting in these roles.

Does someone have to be convicted of a crime before it is reportable under the Clery Act?

No. Crimes are counted when they are reported regardless of prosecution.

What does UNTHSC have to disclose under the Clery Act?

The Clery Act requires colleges and universities that receive federal funding to disseminate a public annual security report (ASR) to employees and students every October 1st. This ASR must include statistics of campus crime for the preceding 3 calendar years, plus details about efforts taken to improve campus safety. ASRs must also include policy statements regarding (but not limited to) crime reporting, campus facility security and access, law enforcement authority, incidence of alcohol and drug use, and the prevention of/response to sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, and stalking.

What are the penalties for not complying with the Clery Act? Who Enforces it?

The United States Department of Education (ED) is tasked with enforcing the Jeanne Clery Act and may level civil penalties such as participating in federal student financial aid programs.


Clery Act Questions and Contact

Dr. Emily Mire, Executive Director, Student & Academic Success
Office: 817-735-5172

This page was last modified on December 14, 2020