COVID-19 FAQs for Faculty/Staff

Is a hotline accessible for faculty and staff?
Yes. Call or text: 972-638-9165. Email:

Will campus and other resources be open?
The UNT Dallas main campus is providing Spring 2021 courses online, with only a few exceptions. The UNT Dallas College of Law is providing courses predominately online, with some courses offered in a hybrid of online and face-to-face. In addition to faculty who are teaching our students, most offices are working remotely, at this time, excluding the police department. We have instructed students to utilize email or phone numbers for the particular office needed. If you have questions about that contact information, please use one of the hotlines or email

Will UNT Dallas staff be permitted to work from home?
Yes, for the safety of our employees and all of our campus community, the majority of employees will continue to work from home unless otherwise identified.

Are certain staff members required to work on campus?
Only the UNT Dallas Police Department is required to work at the UNT Dallas main campus and the College of Law.

Are faculty and staff permitted to continue university-related travel?
No. All travel is canceled until further notice.

Will computer labs on campus be available to students who do not have other options available for completing course work?
Computer Labs will be open by appointment only; hours will be determined by student demand. To make an appointment, contact the Office of Information Technology Service Desk at 972-338-1448. Students can also visit the Service Desk in the Center for Media Production located on the lower level of the Student Center (Room 23). The lower level is accessible either by elevator or the staircase to the right of Campus Hall. Reservations can be made Monday – Thursday from 8 a.m. – 10 p.m., and on Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

How can faculty and staff request and obtain university laptops for remote work?
If you experience challenges moving to virtual instruction, please contact the UNT Dallas Help Desk at

Can faculty/staff install software on university-owned equipment without elevated privileges?
The UNT Dallas Office of Information Technology (OIT) is available to remotely install any required software.

Will faculty who want to use Zoom as their means to teach remotely need to have their account upgraded to a Pro account?
All faculty, staff and students will have their current Zoom Basic account upgraded to a Pro account shortly. To access your UNT Dallas Zoom account, go to and follow the prompts to login.

Will faculty/staff working from home and using university-owned equipment need to get regular Windows updates and security patches?
Faculty and staff will need to have their university-owned system connect to VPN at least once a month to get all required updates. If you have additional questions, please contact the Dallas Help Desk at

Can faculty/staff try to implement their own solutions for working/teaching from home?
For all non-instructional-use cases, Microsoft Teams is the recommended solution. For instructional cases, DLIT is recommending Zoom, Big Blue Button, Panopto and Teams. Faculty may choose their preference.

How do I contact the UNT Dallas Police Department?
For the safety of our university community, we will be increasing security on campus. To report any suspicious activity on campus, call 972-780-3009, or call or text 972-946-0566. We also encourage everyone to download and utilize the Live Safe app on your smart phone.