Who are the students registered with Disability Services?

Disability Services serves students with appropriately documented disabilities significantly affecting major life functions. Students registered with our office have disabilities including; physical, emotional, cognitive or sensory disabilities. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be registered with Disability Services in order to be recognized on campus as a student with a disability and to have access to accommodations at UNT Dallas?

Yes. Self-disclosure of a disability is necessary for students seeking accommodations from the Disability Services Office. Although disclosure of a disability is necessary if you are to receive accommodations, the details of your disability may remain confidential from your professors if you prefer.  A student can only be recognized as a student with a disability at UNT Dallas and receive accommodations for a disability if the student is registered with the Office of Disability Services and reasonable accommodations have been approved.

Does registration as a student with a disability differ from high school to college?

Yes. Because colleges fall under different laws than high schools, there are many differences.  In college, a student is required to self-disclose that they have a disability that significantly impacts their ability to complete their course work and participate in activities.  Once the student has contacted DSO, they must complete a data form that provides pertinent information regarding their contact information, disability (ies), accommodations they have utilized in the past, and accommodations they are requesting; provide current disability documentation, and complete forms requesting accommodations for current semester. 

I have heard I can sign a waiver allowing you to talk to my parents. Will the waiver allow my parents to handle issues at college for me?

A college student at UNT Dallas can sign a waiver giving staff permission to share information with parents. However, you should know that even if a student signs a waiver, Disability Services staff only communicates with parents, or other parties, in the presence of the student. Also, Disability Services staff requires that the student handle any matters related to our office, including registration and accommodations. We do not work with the parent in place of the student.

Does UNT Dallas accept an IEP or 504 from high school?

We will consider any information (including, but not limited to, your description of your needs; records of past accommodations and services from high school or another college; formal psychological or medical evaluations, letters from past health, education or service providers) when evaluating requests for accommodation. This information is needed so that we can develop an understanding of how your conditions are likely to impact you. Any documentation submitted must be completed by a qualified professional (i.e. Medical Doctor, Psychologist, Counselor) and typed on letterhead. 

How long is the registration process?

You should allow 2-4 weeks once the file is complete.

What types of services are offered and what would I qualify for?

Services are determined by detailed review of documentation. Each student's accommodations are individualized.  After interviewing student and reviewing documentation of disability, accommodations will be determined. 

How do I register for services?

For information on how to register, please review our webpages for prospective students.

What does the term ”documentation” mean? Do you mean medical records?

In general "documentation" means a letter from a doctor, or a psychoeducational evaluation from a psychologist, depending upon your disability. We do not accept medical records because we cannot interpret and evaluate medical records. A letter or psychoeducational evaluation allows the medical professional to explain the disability and significant effects on major life functions.  For more details, please visit our Documentation Guidance page. 

Why cannot the staff of Disability Services tell me exactly what the documentation should say?

Disability Services cannot tell you exactly what should be in your documentation because we are not your medical provider.  Please review the Documentation Guidance page for information.  The medical provider can contact Disability Services if questions arise.

Does the Office of Disability Services provide tutoring services?

Our office does not provide tutors, but tutoring services are available for all UNT Dallas students in math and writing labs on campus. Students may also contact academic departments to seek tutoring at the student's expense.

I have had a disability for years but I didn’t registered with Disability Services. Last semester my struggled with my courses and grades due to my disability. If I register now with Disability Services, can my past assignments and grades be changed?

No. Registration as a student with a disability at UNT Dallas is not retroactive. You cannot be recognized as a student with a disability during a semester in which you were not registered with Disability Services.

I have a disability that sometimes affects my attendance. If I am registered as a student with a disability through the Office of Disability Services, Can my accommodations include extra absences from class?

Students registered with Disability Services as a student with a disability fall under the syllabus and attendance policy of each individual professor for each course. If a student with a disability is having difficulty with the class attendance policy, the student should speak with the instructor.

I have a disability that can affect my schedule and completion of assignments, papers and tests. If I am registered through the office of disability services, will my accommodations allow me extensions for assignments, papers and tests?

Students registered with Disability Services as a student with a disability fall under the syllabus and course requirements of each individual professor for each course. If a student with a disability is having difficulty with class requirements, the student should speak with the instructor.

I understand you cannot assist me with admissions, but should I disclose my disability within my admissions application?

Disability is not considered in the admissions process. However, sometimes students choose to disclose various life experiences in an admissions essay. Some students, for example, may talk about completing high school while working two jobs because of the death of a parent. Other students may talk about completing high school while dealing with a disability.

Also, you should know that if you choose to send disability documentation to admissions, they WILL NOT pass it on to Disability Services. If you are admitted to UNT Dallas and decide to register as a student with a disability through Disability Services, YOU MUST APPLY for services through Disability Services.

Parents Frequently Asked Questions

I have questions about registration as a student with a disability, accommodations on campus, 504 plans, IEPs. Where do I find these answers to these questions?

We recognize that college is a new environment and a time of transition for the student and parent. Because college focuses on the student, these types of questions are addressed for the student on our website

What is my role as a parent who has a college student with a disability at UNT Dallas?

Students need the support, but not the control of parents and other family members. Appropriate parental involvement must take place within the boundaries set by law and by keeping the long term best interest of the emerging young adult in mind. Such involvement as it relates to University life most often involves advising and encouraging the college life from the sidelines. Only the most extreme circumstances, such as those that seriously threaten the health of the student, allow for direct parental involvement.

What is are the responsibilities of my son or daughter as a college student with a disability on the UNT Dallas campus?

Any student’s role is to successfully transition into an independent adult. We know that students with disabilities face the same challenges as every college bound young adult plus the challenges related to limitations imposed by disabilities.   However, their role still remains to successfully transition into an independent adult.   The time for dependence is coming to a close.

In high school, teachers kept me informed of how my son or daughter is doing in classes. Will a professor contact me if my student is having difficulties on campus?

In college, students should be aware of how they are doing and to seek assistance if they are having problems. The college is not permitted to release information about a student's academic progress.

Can I speak with a staff member about my student’s schedule, so I can help them throughout the semester?

In college, students are expected to do their own planning.  This includes deciding which degree program to enroll in, and which courses to take each semester.   Staff members do not consult with parents about a student's schedule.

Guidance Counselors Frequently Asked Questions

Can college students sign a waiver that allows parents to speak with college personnel on behalf of the student?

A college student at UNT Dallas can sign a waiver giving staff permission to share information with parents.   However, even if a student signs a waiver, Disability Services staff only communicates with parents, or other parties, in the presence of the student. Also, Disability Services staff requires that the student handle any matters related to this office. We not work with parent in lieu of the student.