Orchestral Studies Information - Spring 2021

The following information is for all String students.  Woodwind, Brass, and Percussion students should refer to the UNT Wind Studies website at - http://windstudies.music.unt.edu/auditions     [Harp students please speak directly with Prof. Haefner.]

1. There are no orchestral studies auditions for the SPRING 2021 semester.

2. All string students have the choice of remote learning (online) OR in-person learning (orchestra rehearsal).  

Students choosing remote learning need to enroll in CONCERT ORCHESTRA (MULB 1805.501 for undergraduate students; MULB 5172.501 for graduate students).  This remote course emphasizes a curriculum that enhances the traditional performance model through project-based opportunities (mock auditions, online rehearsal observations, repertoire discovery, program notes, guided score study and analysis, critical listening, etc.) coupled with weekly lectures from UNT Orchestral Studies faculty and esteemed guest artists on a variety of topics.  More details will be provided in Canvas before the first day of classes.  The first class meeting on zoom is Wednesday, January 13, at 12:30pm.

Students choosing in-person learning need to enroll in SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (MULB 1805.500 for undergraduate students; MULB 5172.500 for graduate students).  Twice weekly rehearsals/reading sessions of exploring string orchestra repertoire.  Performances TBD.  Student musicians will be social distanced at least six feet apart on single stands during rehearsals.  The first rehearsal is Monday, January 11 at 2:15pm.

For students who have already enrolled and are in the incorrect course based on their choice, please change courses ASAP.