Radioactive Waste

Radioactive wastes are unavoidable byproducts of any use of radioactive materials. Generated waste must be disposed of in a manner that minimizes impacts on the public and safety.


All radioactive waste should be stored in appropriately labeled waste containers and secured to prevent inappropriate disposal.

Solid waste should be stored in a rigid container with lids, lined with a plastic bag. When appropriate, these containers should be shielded to prevent unnecessary radiation exposure. Liquid waste should be stored in appropriate containers to minimize and avoid spillage. A secondary container that can hold the content is required. When appropriate, these containers should be shielded to prevent unnecessary radiation exposure.


All radioactive waste MUST be labeled with a Caution Radioactive Material sign. The radioactive waste container should have this information on it and the information must be legible:

  • The isotope
  • The Principal Investigator information
  • The type of waste


Radiation Safety personnel must dispose of all radioactive material waste. It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator and laboratory personnel to segregate the generated waste by categories and radionuclides.

These steps should be considered during waste disposal:

  • Keep waste segregated by categories and radionuclides
  • Keep waste container closed and secure at all times
  • Liquid waste must be in a chemically compatible container, sealed with a screw-on cap
  • Waste should be properly tagged for disposal with the label "Hazardous Waste" or "Caution-Radioactive Materials"
  • Complete the radioactive waste pickup request form (link)
  • Radioactive waste should be collected and disposed by the Radiation Safety Officer

Disposal of Radiographic Equipment

Radiographic devices that are to be disposed of (not transferred) must be rendered inoperable to ensure that they will not be a danger to unqualified personnel. Contact Radiation Safety for guidance in proper disposal of this equipment.