Center for Learning, Experimentation, Application, and Research

2015 SFEW

event poster "The Secret Lives of Faculty" Pecha Kucha Session and Breakfast - 2015 Salute to Faculty Teaching Excellence

To kick-off our 2015 Salute to Faculty Excellence Week, brave UNT faculty members presented Pecha Kucha sessions on the theme “The Secret Lives of Faculty.” Pecha Kucha is Japanese for "chit-chat" and describes a presentation format using 20 slides which advance automatically in 20-second intervals.



“My Secret Life as a Struggling Art Student a.k.a a Real Person”
Lesli Robertson, Studio Arts (CVAD)





“My Secret Life as an Accompanist”
Judi Bradetich, Educational Psychology (COE)



“My Secret Life as a Boxer”
Jeff Allen, Learning Technologies (COI)



“My Secret Life as a Band Mom”
Tammy Kinley, Merchandising & Digital Retailing (CMHT)



“My Secret Life as a Risk-taker”
Miriam Ezzani, Teacher Education & Administration (COE)



“My Secret Life as an Academic Failure”
Rick Reidy, Materials Science & Engineering (CENG)