CDC Injury Center Research Priorities

Cover of Injury Research Priorities

For more than 20 years, CDC’s Injury Center has studied injuries and violence and researched the best ways to prevent them. We translate science into real-world solutions to prevent unintentional and violence-related injuries and that minimize the consequences of injuries when they occur. Research is fundamental to our success because good data are essential in making sound, smart investments. Research provides the knowledge that we need to understand what is possible, what is not, and the best way to progress in our intervention efforts.

The Research Priorities pdf icon[PDF 601KB] will guide the Center in identifying solutions emerging injury and violence issues, to encourage innovative research, and to focus CDC’s public health expertise. It is a living document. Priorities and guiding questions will change to meet the needs of the injury and violence prevention community. The intent of this document is to demonstrate measurable impact or progress in each priority area in the next 3-5 years. The Injury Center will use this document as a tool to guide our intramural and extramural research.

Injury Research Priority Topics

Investing in these priorities will help prevent needless deaths and painful, costly injuries. We know that we can make a difference. We look forward to working with researchers in the injury and violence prevention field to ensure a safer, healthier nation for all.

Unintentional Injury Prevention

Violence Prevention