Implementing Home Care and Isolation or Quarantine of People Not Requiring Hospitalization for MERS-CoV

Implementing Home Care and Isolation or Quarantine of People Not Requiring Hospitalization for MERS-CoV
Updated Mar. 24, 2020

This interim guidance is for staff at local and state health departments, infection prevention and control professionals, healthcare providers, and healthcare workers who are coordinating the home care and isolation1 or quarantine2 of people who are confirmed to have, or being evaluated for, MERS-CoV infection (see Case Definitions). The interim guidance is based on what is currently known about viral respiratory infections and MERS-CoV. CDC will update this interim guidance as needed.

People who are confirmed to have, or being evaluated for, MERS-CoV infection and do not require hospitalization for medical reasons may be cared for and isolated in a residential setting after a healthcare professional determines that the setting is suitable. Providers should contact their state or local health department to discuss home isolation, home quarantine, or other measures for close contacts and for patients who test positive for MERS-CoV, and to discuss criteria for discontinuing any such measures. See Interim U.S. Guidance for Monitoring and Movement of Persons with Potential MERS Exposure, and Interim Guidance for Health Professionals for more information.

Assess the Suitability of the Residential Setting for Home Care

In consultation with state or local health department staff, a healthcare professional should

  • assess whether the residential setting is suitable and appropriate for home care;
  • assess whether the patient is capable of adhering to precautions that will be recommended as part of home care or isolation (respiratory hygiene, hand hygiene, etc.); and
  • contact their local or state health department to notify them that the residential setting has been determined to be suitable for home care and that hospital discharge is planned.

Provide Guidance for Precautions to Implement during Home Care

A healthcare professional should

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  1. Isolation is defined as the separation or restriction of activities of an ill person with a contagious disease from those who are well.
  2. Quarantine is defined as the separation or restriction of movement of well persons who might have been exposed to a communicable disease while determining if they become ill.


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