Award Terms & Conditions, Federal Regulations and Policies

CDC and grant recipients must comply with all applicable terms and conditions of award, federal laws, regulations, and policies.

Applicable grant terms and conditions, policies and regulations include:

Recipients must comply with all general terms and conditions above and specific terms and conditions detailed in the Notice of Award (NoA).  The NoA includes additional program and recipient special conditions.

On June 4, 2020, HHS announcedexternal icon guidance on laboratory data reporting as required under section 18115 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (P.L. 116-136). The guidancepdf iconexternal icon specifies requirements for data submission from laboratories and from state and local public health departments using existing reporting channels. Consistent with the terms and conditions of grants and cooperative agreements awarding coronavirus supplemental funding, recipients must comply with this guidance, as applicable. For more information, see the HHS Frequently Asked Questionspdf iconexternal icon about laboratory data reporting.

In 2019, CDC provided expanded authority for carryover to some awards, allowing recipients to spend unobligated funds in a following budget period for any approved cost that falls within the scope and objectives of a project.  For more information about expanded authority, please refer to the Expanded Authority for Carryover Fact Sheetpdf icon.  To determine if expanded authority for carryover has been granted for an award, refer to your NoA document for the special terms and conditions .

If you have questions or need additional support for business or administrative requirements, contact the Grants Management Specialist named in the CDC Staff Contacts section of your NoA. logo
Page last reviewed: July 13, 2018