Green Practices: Waste



  • The Container Recycling Institute Useful recycling and waste statistics.
  • Co-op America Resolves Your Recycling Quandaries Co-op America's mission is to harness economic power—the strength of consumers, investors, businesses, and the marketplace—to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable society.
  • Electronics TakeBack Coalition Responsible Recycling The electronics recycling industry is plagued by "sham" recyclers - those that rely on low-road practices for making a quick buck, like exporting to developing countries and using prison labor for processing, or simply dumping e-waste after taking out the most valuable parts. Use this website to find a responsible recycler in your state.
  • GreenDisk An earth-friendly and responsible e-waste recycler; home of the TechnoTrash Can.
  • US EPA Office of Solid Waste Information on all types of waste products from batteries to medical waste; also includes recycling and pollution prevention information.

Green Building

Anaerobic Digestion (Methane Recovery)

  • AD Network Independent information on the AD process and related subjects.
  • Anaerobic Digestion A resource on anaerobic digestion, supported by UK government agencies and industry.
  • Anaerobic Digestion Basics A Dept. of Energy article describing the use of bacteria to break down waste organic materials into methane and other gases to produce electricity or heat.
  • Organic Power Limited By adopting a completely natural process and without additional chemicals, the organic materials are degraded by naturally occurring aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. The process eliminates the pollution normally associated with organic residues and produces high quality methane gas, food grade carbon dioxide and clean fertilizers with no waste products.

Reducing Plastic

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