Connect Photo Contest

Photos must be taken in 2020 or the last three months of 2019 by staff or volunteers at an Association of Zoos and Aquariums-accredited institution. Connect staff will judge the photos, and the winner will appear on the December 2020 cover.  This will be a digital only version of the magazine. Other exceptional photos will be highlighted inside the magazine. The photos may also appear on AZA's website and/or other promotional materials.

Format for Submission

Submissions should include the name of the photographer, the AZA institution, the species, the date of the picture, and the equipment used. Only one photo entry will be accepted per photographer, so send in your best image. Pictures can include animals, people, and zoo or aquarium scenes — if you think it will make a good cover, send it in!


The deadline for entries is 15 September 2020.

How to Submit


TIFF, JPG or EPS; 300+ dpi and 8"x11" in size (jpgs preferred).
Send to: Both electronic and hard copy images will be accepted - though electronic submission is preferred. All submissions become the property of AZA and will not be acknowledged or returned. Send electronic images to Tim Lewthwaite at with "Photo Contest" in the subject line. Hard copies may be mailed to:

2020 Photo Contest
Tim Lewthwaite
AZA Publications Manager
8403 Colesville Road, Suite 710
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3314


By entering the contest, you grant to AZA, and its successors and assigns, the non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual right and license to use, display, reproduce, publish, transmit, and distribute your photograph on AZA's website, in our magazine, and/or in any other promotional materials. Your grant and license shall also apply to any reprints, revised editions, or derivative works in any media or format, whether now or hereafter known, including without limitation other kinds of print media and electronic media.

By entering the contest you also represent, acknowledge and warrant that (i) the submitted photograph is an original work created solely by you, and you are the sole owner of all right, title, and interest in and to your photograph, including the copyright; (ii) AZA's publication of your photograph as authorized herein will not violate or infringe any right, title, or interest of any person or entity; (iii) AZA's publication of your photograph will not violate any right of privacy or publicity nor create any other liability in tort and that you have obtained a valid model release from any identifiable, individual person who is the subject of the photograph; (iv) you are not a party to and your photograph is not subject to any contract or arrangement that would conflict with your permission herein; and (v) you agree to indemnify and hold harmless AZA against any damages, losses, or expenses occurring as a result of any claimed breach of warranty.

Release Form

To be considered for publication in Connect, all contest photos that include people must be accompanied by AZA's Model Release Form signed by each person depicted. Contact Tim Lewthwaite at for a copy of the form.

NEW: Download Wallpapers for Desktop, Mobile and Tablet Devices

Chameleon photo contestYou can now download the 2020 Photo Contest Winner and Honorable Mentions as backgrounds for your computer, phone, or tablet. 


Desktop | Mobile | Tablet 

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