Tribal Consultations Sessions and Tribal Advisory Committee Meetings

CDC honors the sovereignty of American Indian/Alaska Native tribal nations, respects the inherent rights of self-governance, commits to work on a government-to-government basis, and upholds the federal trust responsibility. Biannual Tribal Consultation Sessions provide a forum for consultation between CDC leadership and elected or appointed tribal leaders (or their designated representatives).

Government-to-government consultation will be conducted with elected tribal officials or their designated representatives before taking actions and/or making decisions that affect them. CDC’s Tribal Consultation Policy (the Policy) and procedures within the Policy were established to provide elected tribal leaders, or their designated representatives, with a number of opportunities to interact with CDC staff and leadership. Each opportunity complements, not supplants, the others.

Key components of CDC’s tribal consultation are the Biannual Tribal Consultation Sessions, the Tribal Advisory Committee, and CDC’s participation in the annual HHS national and regional tribal consultation sessions. Each year, CDC invites all elected tribal leaders, or their designees, to attend two CDC tribal consultation sessions—one hosted by CDC in Atlanta (winter) and one hosted by a tribal nation in another location (summer).

Page last reviewed: December 15, 2020