
Promoting Digital Television in the Dominican Republic
Blog Post

In 2015, the Dominican Republic announced plans to transition from analog to digital television, which requires television stations to purchase new broadcasting equipment and viewers…

Senegal Success Story: Supporting Energy Access Through American Technology
Blog Post

Senegal Success Story: Supporting Energy Access Through American Technology The U.S. Trade and Development Agency connects America’s private sector to infrastructure opportunities in developing and…

Dangote Refinery: Private African Infrastructure Developed to World Class Standards
Blog Post

Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to visit what will soon be the sixth largest crude oil refinery in the world, and the world’s…

India Aviation Reverse Trade Mission – A Readout, next steps
Blog Post

In September 2017, the U.S Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) hosted the India Aviation Safety, Security and Airport Infrastructure Reverse Trade Mission in the United…

USTDA Industry Partner, Primus Power, Named to the 2018 Global Cleantech 100 List
Blog Post

Connecting leading U.S. solutions to infrastructure projects overseas represents the heart of USTDA’s mission, and when an industry partner is recognized for their innovation, the…

Exploring the Gas Industry in Africa: A Conversation with Industry Experts
Blog Post

As part of the U.S. Gas Infrastructure Exports Initiative, USTDA staff spoke with Slav Gatchev, Managing Director of Delphos International, Ltd., a Washington, D.C.-based project…

Connecting U.S. industry to Nigeria’s gas infrastructure needs
Blog Post

By: Dr. Timothy Okon, Senior Adviser Fiscal Strategy to the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources Adegbite Adeniji, Senior Technical Adviser for Gas and Upstream…

From Finance to Entrepreneurship: How one family’s leap created a lasting legacy
Blog Post

While Chad Bannick enjoyed his first jobs in finance in Minnesota and Arizona, he craved the opportunity to make a broader impact on the world,…

Gearing up to embrace opportunities in the Indian aviation sector
Blog Post

The strong growth of the Indian middle class, with a median age of 27 years, denote increased availability of income for more discretionary spending such…

Smart Investments in Smart Grid: Connecting U.S. Industry to Prospective Foreign Buyers
Blog Post

As smartphones have revolutionized the way people interact around the globe, “smart grid” technologies are revolutionizing the way people consume electricity.  Through the development of…