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Affordable Housing

Thriving communities need enough housing that is affordable and equitably available to people across a full range of incomes—from young adults just starting out to seniors who want to spend their remaining years feeling secure. That includes expanding access to housing affordable to people who are at risk of or are experiencing homelessness.


  • Promote development of an expanded supply of safe and affordable rental homes through federal, state, and local efforts and investments. This includes assisting communities that are working to adopt policies to expand overall housing supply and to project the scale of affordable housing units—including units that are affordable to people exiting homelessness and units that are accessible to persons with disabilities—needed to meet local demand on an ongoing basis.
  • Improve access to federally funded housing assistance by eliminating administrative barriers and encouraging targeting and prioritization of affordable housing to people experiencing homelessness in a community and/or to populations that are especially vulnerable to homelessness.
  • Encourage collaboration between public housing agencies, multi-family housing owners, and homelessness services systems, and promote guidance on how public housing agencies and multi-family housing owners can adopt admissions preferences and successfully house people exiting homelessness.
  • Support states and communities to better target and align rental assistance and capital financing sources to support new construction and rehabilitation of affordable housing units that can be effectively accessed by people exiting homelessness.