About CDC's Injury Center

Image of a smiling caregiver and older patient

Injuries and violence are leading causes of death for children and adults ages 1-45 in the United States.

As a leading authority, CDC’s Injury Center protects Americans by:

  • Tracking data and trends on fatal and nonfatal injuries
  • Researching what works to prevent injuries and violence and putting it into practice
  • Funding programs and activities to prevent overdose, suicide, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and more
  • Working with partners to raise awareness
  • Providing Americans information to protect themselves, their families and communities

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Leading Cause of Death

Injury is the leading cause of death for children and adults between the ages of 1 and 45.

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$671 Billion

The total estimated lifetime medical and work loss costs associated with fatal and non-fatal injuries in the United States.

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192,000 People

Number who die as a result of violence and unintentional injuries each year.

Priority Topics

Cross-Cutting Topics

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), overdose, and suicide are urgent and related public health challenges. When we prevent any one of these issues, we decrease the risk of the others now and for the next generation.

Office of the Director
Debra Houry

Debra Houry, MD, MPH
Dr. Houry leads innovative research and science-based programs to prevent injuries and violence and to reduce their consequences.  Read more on the Director’s Page.