Animal Programs Monthly Update

January 2021

AZA Animal Programs Tip-of-the-Month

The December 2020 Sustainability Designations list for AZA Animal Programs is now available! Please visit the Animal Programs Resources section of the  AZA website to download the full listing.

ZIMS for Studbooks

504 Studbooks were successfully migrated to the live version of ZIMS for Studbooks! Congratulations and thank you to all involved – this is a great accomplishment and was a huge team effort. Thank you to all of the Studbook Keepers, SSP Coordinators, TAG Chairs, Population Biologists, and Adjuncts for their hard work in migrating their data by the December 31 deadline, as well as the ZIMS for Studbooks Transition Leadership Team for managing the effort. Haley Blackwell, Studbook Migration Assistant, was instrumental to the efforts of migrating all studbooks by the end of this past year. Congratulations again to all! 

PMCTrack 2.0

Lincoln Park Zoo is excited to announce the release of PMCTrack 2.0 to the AZA Community, which will be coming the week of January 18. The site will be accessible at the same address,, and has been redesigned to improve user experience. After the release, you will be able to access all of your roles and data using the same website, login name and password. Training webinars will be scheduled for the last week of January and first week of February – please watch the AZA networks/your email for more details on how to sign up! If you have any questions, please email

AZA Calendar

Ambassador Bird Welfare Workshop - Virtual
This workshop will be held February 16 and 17 at 9am EST. Come learn a variety of skills related to ambassador bird welfare such as proper restraint, first steps to free flight, common illnesses and their signs, diet management, and much more. This course meets requirements for CEUs for the CPBT-KA and CPAT-KA certifications. Please see the flier for more information and send registration forms to Rebecca Young. Registration fee is $25.

Please visit the AZA calendar to find the current list of workshops, meetings, and training opportunities that are of interest to Animal Program participants and other zoo and aquarium professionals. To add to this list, please email AZA's Conservation, Management, & Welfare Sciences Department.

Funding and Award Opportunities

Visit AZA's Other Conservation Funding Sources page for information about grants provided by AZA-accredited institutions as well as external sources. Please email any other funding opportunities to AZA's Conservation, Management, & Welfare Sciences Department for posting on the website.

New SSPs

Harrison Edell, Dallas Zoo

Harrison Edell, Dallas Zoo

New Program Leaders

SSP Coordinator and Studbook Keeper

Holly Ray, Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden

Matthew McHale, Zoo Miami

Phillip Horvey, Sedgwick County Zoo

SSP Coordinator

Tina Cloutier Barbour, Lion Country Safari

Megan Elder, Como Park Zoo

Studbook Keeper

Lauren Gruny, St. Augustine Alligator Farm

New Program Leader Vacancies

Find applications and instructions regarding vacancies in the Animal Program Handbooks.  Applications are due February 1, 2021, unless otherwise noted. For a full list of available Program Leader positions, visit the Current Program Leader Vacancies page.

Reproduction and Endocrinology Scientific Advisory Group

The Repro-Endo SAG is seeking motivated candidates for the vice chair position. The mission of the SAG is to develop cooperative relationships between AZA, its Animal Programs, its accredited institutions, and the scientific community of reproduction and endocrine specialists, and provide technical advice to enhance reproduction services for AZA Animal Programs. If interested, email Grace Fuller, Repro-Endo SAG Secretary.

Ambassador Animal Advisor

Ambassador Animal Advisors work with TAG or SSP members to serve as a resource and provide expertise on topics related to the use of a taxon or species in an ambassador capacity. View the position description for more information on how to apply.

SSP Coordinator and Studbook Keeper

Please send application materials to Chris Holmes, Galliformes TAG Chair.
*As a regional USFWS program, higher consideration may be given to applicants from Texas.

Please send application materials to Drew Foster, Lizard TAG Chair.

Please send application materials to Chris Holmes, Galliformes TAG Chair.

New Publications

Please note that all documents are available for download on the Program's page found by logging in and searching the Animal Programs Database.


Goose, Nene
Heron, Madagascar Pond
Ibis, Madagascar Sacred
Kookaburra, Laughing
Penguin, King
Sheep, Desert Bighorn
Teal, Madagascar
Wallaby, Tammar

Breeding & Transfer Plans

Hwamei, Chinese
Lemur, Collared
Owl, Snowy
Penguin, Chinstrap
Penguin, King
Stork, Yellow-Billed
Vulture, Ruppell’s Griffon


Want to contribute to the Update?

All announcements for the monthly Animal Programs Update should be submitted to the AZA Conservation, Management, & Welfare Sciences Department by the 25th of the prior month.


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