SAFE Granting Program

AZA Saving Animals From Extinction LogoAZA SAFE: Saving Animals From Extinction is positioned for continued growth. SAFE invites AZA members to propose SAFE species and develop collaborative program plans that implement existing regional or global recovery, action, and/or management plans.

Established in 2019 with initial funding support from the Arthur L. and Elaine V. Johnson Foundation, AZA’s SAFE granting program brings new funds to members for implementing SAFE program plans.

The SAFE granting program funding cycle is offered roughly opposite the current CGF cycle, allowing applicants to apply to both funds, as appropriate. By offering multi-year awards for amounts significantly greater than those currently funded through CGF, the SAFE granting program promotes collaborations that advance SAFE program plans and make an impact for species conservation.


  • Applicants must be employed at a program partner organization of an approved SAFE species program.
  • Only one application per SAFE species will be considered. Program partners should collaborate on the submission.
  • Submissions should reflect the program team’s priorities and support the implementation of the team’s three-year program plan and existing regional or global recovery plans.
  • Applicants may request up to $50,000.
  • Applicants are required to provide at least 50% matching funds. Preference is given to proposals with higher match ratios.
  • Preference is given to proposals that emphasize collaboration with multiple AZA members, including:
    • Members historically under-represented in that species’ conservation; or
    • Proposals that unite AZA members’ existing programs into a collaborative effort expected to yield greater outcomes than what each had been accomplishing on its own.
  • Funds may be spent over a two-year timeline. A progress report is required after the first year of funding.

Additional Eligibility Requirements

  • The principal and co-investigators must have current individual AZA memberships at the time of submission.
  • Only applications on behalf of approved SAFE species programs will be reviewed. Proposals for new SAFE species programs must be submitted at least 30 days prior to application deadline, to allow for appropriate review and consideration. Explore the Propose a SAFE Species resources for information about eligibility and how to propose a new species program.

Information for Applicants

Applications are due October 1, 2020 and award selections will be announced in January, 2021. AZA wants to help you write the best possible proposal. Proposals which fail to follow the application requirements will not be included in the review process. Make sure you read carefully through the 2020 Instructions and Application carefully before you get started and contact AZA with any questions.

Application Materials


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