New whitepaper — Improving Performance and Conversion with Headless Commerce and the Jamstack. Download Now!

Modern web apps
shipped faster

An intuitive git-based workflow. A powerful serverless platform. Netlify unites everything teams need to build & run dynamic web experiences—from first preview to global production.

Trusted by Millions of Developers on Thousands of Great Teams
A preview of the first page of Netlify’s Developer Productivity e-book: Unlocking Developer Productivity for the Enterprise with Netlify

Ship web projects 10× faster

In this four-part Enterprise Web Performance eBook series, learn how engineering leaders are moving to the Jamstack modern web architecture with the help of Netlify to increase development velocity, and deliver the most performant sites and web applications.
Server less, do more

Give your sites the edge

Create amazing experiences for the web in record time—without thinking once about servers or devops.

The fastest possible web frontends

Programmable Edge
New Arrivals

Instant cloud-scale backend apis

Serverless Functions
Los Angeles
  1. 1. Connect your repository

    Netlify detects the changes to push to git and triggers automated deploys.

  2. 2. Add your build settings

    Netlify provides you a powerful and totally customizable build environment.

    yarn build
  3. 3. Deploy your website

    Publishing is seamless with instant cache invalidation and atomic deploys.

    Site is live ✨

Build the sites you want
with the tools you love

  • Built an e-commerce site with React, Contentful, and Netlify
  • Build web applications with Angular, Fauna, and Netlify
  • Create an e-commerce site with Vue, Shopify, and Netlify
  • Author online docs with Eleventy, Markdown, and Netlify
  • Launch global campaigns with Gatsby, Sanity, and Netlify
  • Build a conference site with React, Airtable, and Netlify
Ship fast. Ship better.

The team workflow
that makes teamwork flow

Deployment? Done — with best practices baked right in

  • Built-in CI/CD
  • Domains & DNS management
  • Automated previews of every commit

It’s designed to work together as part of a seamless git-based developer workflow.

Add to cart Light Roast bb1147f Deploy preview for www ready!Built with commit netlify BOT commented 3 hours ago
Netlify automatically adds preview links right in Github
Get an instant backend for any form by adding the Netlify attribute
<form name="profile" data-netlify="true"> <h1>Create profile</h1> Create profile Send new submissions to a Slack channel Slack integration Send new submissions as POST request Outgoing webhook Send new submissions via email Email notification Add notification

Add dynamic functionality with built‑in applications

With very little coding or setup, Netlify makes it easy to add features like:

  • User identity
  • Serverless functions
  • Instant forms
  • Split testing & rollouts
  • Analytics
  • Large media

Customize your projects with your own build tools or microservices

Netlify discovers and installs your project dependencies and allows you to write powerful plugins that hook into any stage of the build process.

Explore build plugins or create your own
module.exports = () => { return { name: "netlify-plugin-image-optim", onPostBuild: async config => { const files = {}; Optimize images during your builds Image optim plugin Analyze & optimize your web fonts usage Subfont plugin Notify and stop build if a11y checks fails A11y plugin
Use build plugins from the community or create your own
Page title Page settings Site settings Page Content
There are many easy ways to integrate headless CMS options

Connect the entire Jamstack ecosystem to build apps faster

Use hosted API services to provide advanced functionality for your applications in record time, with no new infrastructure to manage. It’s superpowers for frontend teams.

Explore Jamstack architecture
Maciej Malesa

Moving all LiveChat websites to Netlify has empowered our Web Dev Team to iterate fast and independently.

Maciej Malesa , CTO, LiveChat