Greenwald says Capitol riot ‘planning was largely done on Facebook’

Amazon, Google and Apple owe Parler reinstatement and restitution

Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government Rick Manning today issued the following statement responding to reporting from journalist Glenn Greenwald that “planning [of the Capitol riot] was largely done on Facebook,” not Parler:

“Liberal journalist Glenn Greenwald reports that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was largely planned on Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook. While Silicon Valley Big Tech has baselessly taken down and banned the app from smartphones, the truth is that, according to Greenwald, not a single user of Parler has been arrested for their involvement in the Capitol riot. Just as it was wrong to take down Parler, it would be equally wrong to destroy Facebook’s availability due to their platform’s being used as an organizing tool for political violence.

“If Amazon, Google and Apple held Facebook to the same standards that they’ve falsely held Parler to, Zuckerberg’s company would now be similarly deplatformed. Americans for Limited Government abhors Big Tech’s knee-jerk abuse of power against Parler on false claims that they were advocating violence. Those companies that arbitrarily cost Parler — a rapidly emerging competitor to Twitter — millions of dollars should immediately take action to reinstate Parler’s presence on their platforms, and to settle the lawsuit Parler has filed against them. The lesson America should learn from Big Tech’s abuse of political power is that these companies need to be subjected to antitrust actions to prevent their market dominance from again being misused in the future.”


“Courts Must Immediately Stop Big Tech Censorship,” Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning, Jan. 9, 2021

“The purge has begun. Cancel culture is going to be worse than ever as the social tyranny rises.” By Robert Romano, Jan. 12, 2021

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 or email

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