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Hawaii Overview

Last updated January 17, 2021 2:30 pm ET
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Key Metrics

Solid line represents Hawaii 7-day average

New tests (Notes)Total PCR tests (test encounters)

New tests is changing up. The most recent value for New tests was 3275 on Jan 19, and the earlist value for New tests was 4329 on Oct 22. The highest recent value for New tests was 10634 on Jan 16.The lowest recent value for New tests was 3054 on Jan 12. Access all chart data

New cases

Cases is changing up. The most recent value for Cases was 64 on Jan 19, and the earlist value for Cases was 77 on Oct 22. The highest recent value for Cases was 321 on Jan 7.The lowest recent value for Cases was 45 on Dec 28. Access all chart data

Current hospitalizations

Hospitalization is changing up. The most recent value for Hospitalization was 55 on Jan 19, and the earlist value for Hospitalization was 75 on Oct 22. The highest recent value for Hospitalization was 129 on Jan 10.The lowest recent value for Hospitalization was 49 on Dec 22. Access all chart data

New deaths

New deaths is changing down. The most recent value for New deaths was 2 on Jan 19, and the earlist value for New deaths was 14 on Oct 22. The highest recent value for New deaths was 6 on Jan 14.0 Access all chart data
Total cases
Confirmed cases
Probable cases
New cases today64
Change over 7 days4.1%+
Total tests
(test encounters)
Total tests
Not Reported
Total tests
Not Reported
Total tests (specimens)
Not Reported
Total tests (people)
Not Reported

Warning: Antigen reporting may significantly understate the true number of tests administered

Total tests (specimens)
Not Reported
Total tests (people)
Not Reported
Now hospitalized
Now in ICU
Now on ventilator
Ever hospitalized
Ever in ICU
Not Reported
Ever on ventilator
Not Reported

Hospitalization (HHS data)

See this HHS hospitalization data on a map.

Now hospitalized (confirmed + suspected)
Now hospitalized (confirmed only)
Now in ICU (confirmed + suspected)

This data is published by HHS.

Data as of
Total cases
Total deaths
Number of facilities affected
Percent of state deaths
from LTC facilities
New cases since Jan 70%
New deaths since Jan 70%

View historical totals

Data as of

Race & ethnicity data

We compute the number of cases and deaths per 100k people for each race and ethnicity.

These numbers show the scale of outcomes compared to the size of each group’s population. These are not the number of cases or deaths, rather the proportion of each demographic group who have been affected.

Race & ethnicity: cases per capita

Cases per 100,000 people
Black / African American
Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander

(All data is calculated)

Data as of

Race & ethnicity: deaths per capita

Deaths per 100,000 people
Black / African American
Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander

(All data is calculated)

* Based on <10 deaths among members of this race/ethnicity. Interpret with caution.

Data as of

Our latest tweets about Hawaii

Our twitter handle is @COVID19Tracking@COVID19Tracking

At publish time, we had no updates from 7 of the 56 states and territories we track: AR, CT, KS, MI, MP, RI, and WA. Seven additional states did not report current hospitalizations today: HI, MN, MS, NV, OK, OR, and WI.

January 3, 2021

Every state’s single-day record for new cases has been since November 1, except Hawaii. (Though it's important to remember how limited testing was, especially in the spring.)

December 21, 2020

Only 4 states—HI, ME, NH, VT—have fewer than 100 people per million hospitalized with COVID-19. South Dakota and Nebraska have the most people hospitalized per capita, with North Dakota, Illinois, and Indiana close behind.

November 24, 2020

Today's numbers do not include a complete update from North Dakota and Hawaii.

November 11, 2020

In the month of October, only Georgia and Hawaii saw decreases in hospitalization. California held steady. There were increases in hospitalizations in every other state and DC.

October 31, 2020

More tweets about Hawaii(Opens a new window)