Row-Level Permissions

The Row-Level Permissions feature allows owners of a project to create three levels of project permissions for users related to viewing submissions. Those three levels are:

  1. User can view all submitted data

  2. User can view data submitted by a subset of users only

  3. User can view data submitted by oneself only

To make use of this feature, please follow the steps below.

Make sure that your account settings are set to ‘Require authentication to see forms and submitted data’.


Access the Sharing settings through either the project Summary or Settings tab. For the purposes of this help article, the screenshots show the Sharing Permissions modal that opens from the project Summary tab, but the steps are the same no matter which Sharing settings page you use.


In the Sharing Permissions modal, click the ADD USER button.


Enter the name of the user you wish to set the View submissions settings for at the top. Then click the checkbox View submissions below. If you wish for the user to be able to view all submissions in the project, then no further action is needed. If you wish to restrict the user to view data submitted only by a subset of users, then click the View submissions only from specific users checkbox. Enter in the subset of usernames, separated by spaces, in the line below. If you wish for the user to only view data submitted by themselves, then only enter in their username. Once all the desired users are entered, click GRANT PERMISSIONS.


Example of a user having permission to view submitted data from a subset of users:


Example of a user having permission to view only their own submitted data:
