Kick the Habit

Smoking puts you at higher risk for heart disease and stroke. Learn the risks and quit today. We can help.

You've got this. Text HEART to 88709 to get free advice, tips and inspiration for quitting.

Ready to Quit Vaping?

If you’ve realized needing your vape isn’t a great feeling and all your $ is going to pods, we’ve got you. Text HEART to 88709 to get free advice, tips and inspiration for quitting.

Is Vaping Better Than Smoking?

If you think vaping is a healthier, safer or "better" alternative to smoking or you’re using e-cigarettes to try to quit smoking, think again. Vaping has many dangers and is considered a public health concern.

man holding a vape pen and cigarettes
Quit Smoking Hand Smashing Cigarettes

5 Steps to Quit Smoking and Vaping

So you’ve decided to quit smoking or vaping. Great! It’s one of the best things you can do to improve your health and add years to your life. It’s not easy — but you can do it.

Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW for support that can help you quit for good!

You’re more likely to quit for good if you prepare for the cravings, urges and feelings that come with quitting.

More Quit Smoking Articles

How to Keep Kids and Teens from Smoking and Vaping

It’s a burning question for parents and public health officials alike: How do you keep a new generation from starting to smoke? We already know some strategies that have worked. Public health campaigns aimed at young people and consistent reinforcement from parents help keep them from striking up the dangerous habit.

Teen Smoking

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