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What's New at IES

From the IES Director: A Year for Reflection and Continued Transformation

Director Mark Schneider highlights activities IES is conducting to identify opportunities for growth and change in education research. » More info


Virginia High School Graduates' Career and Technical Education Credentials: Top Credentials Over Time and Across Student Groups

This REL Appalachia report describes the career and technical education credentials that Virginia high school graduates earned in the years before and after Virginia added a career and technical education credential requirement to its Standard diploma. » More info


December Blogs from the National Center for Education Research

NCER recently published blogs focusing on NASA's Moon Pod Essay Contest for K-12 students, former IES postdoctoral fellows who are now principal investigators for FY 2020 grants, and on addressing COVID-19's disruption of student assessment. » More info

The Work of IES

Watch a short video on how IES is supporting the development and use of independent education research, evaluation, and statistics.

Standards and Review

image depicting review process

The IES Standards and Review Office oversees peer review of reports and research grant applications.

Peer Review of Reports
Peer Review of Grant Applications
Standards and Review Office

After Submitting an IES Application

Featured Resources

Evidence-based Resources Responding to COVID-19

In response to COVID-19, Regional Educational Laboratories (RELs) have collaborated to produce this series of evidence-based resources and guidance about teaching and learning in a remote environment, as well as other considerations brought by the pandemic.

FAQs for IES Grantees

Frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 pandemic for IES grantees.

U.S. Department of Education COVID-19 Information

Resources from the U.S. Department of Education on how schools can collaborate to disseminate critical information about the COVID-19 and its potential transmission to students, families, staff, and community.

Featured Publications

Teacher reading to and taking questions from a group of young studentsEducator's Practice Guide to Support Reading For Understanding, K-3

This new What Works Clearinghouse guide has research-based recommendations for improving early grades reading and ideas and tips for implementation in the classroom.

Guide to Education Data Privacy

This free resource for states and districts was developed by practitioners in the field through the National Forum on Education Statistics. It is designed to assist school staff in protecting the confidentiality of student data.

Latest Posts from the IES Blog

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Four children at a desk in classroom
Learn more about what IES is doing across the Centers on critical topics in education including English Learners, STEM, Literacy, Career and Technical Education, and Postsecondary Education.