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How The First 100 Days Of The Biden Administration Can Strengthen Public Research Universities & Their Students

M. Peter McPherson

President Biden takes offices with enormous challenges and opportunities. He becomes president amidst a global pandemic, a steep economic downturn, and societal unrest. The nation’s public research universities have helped address many challenges associated with the pandemic and are central to ensuring the long-term economic recovery. As the incoming administration works to address the pandemic and promote an economic recovery as its two top priorities, it should take short- and long-term steps to strengthen the nation’s public research universities and support the students they serve to ensure the long-term recovery and success of the nation. 

The Biden administration – in partnership with Congress, in many cases – can take quick and meaningful action to do this. Bolstering emergency relief for institutions, investing in research, reversing misguided visa policies advanced during the Trump administration, and paving the way for a doubling of the maximum Pell Grant to support low-income students can all make a tremendous impact. These are just some of the ways to protect – and advance – the positive impact public research universities have on their students, communities, country, and the world.

Start with additional pandemic relief. Last year, lawmakers passed two critical coronavirus relief laws that provided partial relief of the pandemic’s financial impact. But the funding they provided fell far short of what public research universities need to manage an unprecedented emergency with devastating human and financial impact. New data on the nation’s public research universities shows that the median institution lost over $30 million just in the fall. The typical institution also estimated more than $8 million in costs for safety measures alone. Adding to the financial hit, the median institution had its state support slashed by 7 percent on the heels of several decades of state disinvestment with more cuts expected as states grapple with a severely weakened economy. Some institutions are preparing for state cuts as high as 20 percent. Furloughs and job losses in higher education are a significant problem for the broader economy.

The relief package President-elect Biden announced last week, including $35 billion in additional relief for students and colleges and universities would provide help. This funding could help slow the spread of disease, improve the effectiveness of instruction, and help cash-strapped students stay in school. More is needed, though. As lawmakers consider the package, they should consider additional resources for higher education and the cutting-edge research many universities conduct on behalf of the American people. Early-career scientists, especially those with dependent care responsibilities, need additional support in order to get their research efforts back on track and prepare them to innovate over the course of their careers.

President-elect Biden has also taken a tremendous step in advancing science-based policymaking by announcing his plan to elevate the White House Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy to a cabinet-level position. President-elect Biden recognizes that science is interwoven into all aspects of federal policy and critical to fueling economic growth and job creation. Science, technology, and innovation are not just central to the health and prosperity of our country, but hallmarks of U.S. global leadership.

The Biden administration can also achieve meaningful and lasting progress with immigration after four years in which the U.S. enacted a myriad of misguided and self-defeating policies. President Biden should take quick action to propose a permanent, legislative solution that provides a path to citizenship for Dreamers.  

President Biden can also help restore the U.S.’s role as a magnet for top students from across the world with executive action. Four years of ill-advised policies and unhelpful messages have discouraged leading international students from pursuing higher education in the United States. To reverse this backsliding, the Biden administration can begin to design a national strategy to attract top students from around the globe. This includes making clear its intention to preserve the Optional Practical Training program, repealing immigration rules and orders that discouraged international students from studying here and streamlining the pathway to a green card for graduates with advanced STEM degrees while supporting the H-1B visa program, and immediately addressing significant visa processing backlogs. These are essential elements to attracting the world’s brightest minds so they can not only study here, but innovate, start businesses, and create jobs here after graduation.

Then there’s higher education policy. The pandemic has only underscored the urgency of increasing college access for underserved groups. In its first 100 days, the Biden administration can chart a path toward doubling the maximum award for the Pell Grant, a policy championed by the Biden campaign. These federal grants provide life-changing opportunity to millions of college students each year. But today they cover just a fraction of the cost of college that they did at their inception. Doubling the maximum award can ensure more students can earn a college degree, fulfilling the promise of opportunity to low-income Americans, and providing our economy more college-educated workers who can fuel innovation and economic growth.

The challenges for the country are immense. But hope is on the horizon with several promising vaccines now being rolled out. As the country begins to move forward, investing in public research universities and their students is one of the smartest ways to ensure the nation emerges stronger. This is critical work and it calls for federal policy centered supporting it for the months and years ahead.

I am President of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and served as President of Michigan State University for 11 years. I previously served as

I am President of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and served as President of Michigan State University for 11 years. I previously served as Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, Deputy Secretary of the U.S Treasury, a Bank of America executive, and worked as a tax lawyer. I have extensive experience in higher education and economic and innovation policy.